Something odd

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*2 days later at Minji's house*

Minji:*Check the fridge*...It had been 2 days and our fridge has been messy frequently

Emiko: It's not us mom

Minji: I know that the three of you didn't do it. Maybe a racoon or something. I should check the lock and make sure that it was in a good condition *Walk away*


*At the triplet's bedroom*

Eunha: I don't remember if either of us have a sleep-walking problem

Emiko: That's the thing

Eungi:*Wiping the mind core*

Emiko: Why did you do that ?

Eungi: Oh. Well this thing keep getting dirty for the past 2 days

Eunha:...It's impossible for a mind core could get that dirty for no reason unless that it was a dust

Emiko: It's probaly a coincidence. Maybe mom went to our room after cooking and she get her hands dirty while prep a meal

Eunha: Yeah. Make sense

*And so they shrug it off and continue with their day. Meanwhile at MutaBeast Sanctuary*

Elea:*Writing a report*

Shepish:*Arrive* She will arrive this night

Elea: Alright. Make sure that she didn't make it too far

Shepish:*Nodded then walk away*

Siros:*Fly back with a basket of berries* What did she mean about ?

Elea: You already aware that Shepish didn't come from this world at the first place

Siros: Yes I know that. She was originally a Creatner from Krekyan City but due to human's strong superstitions, they almost make her into a sacrifise

Elea: And that was until The Keeper come and save her, bring her here

Siros: Yeah

"She also build this place after saw many mistreated Mutabeast she stumble across. A hidden sanctuary..."

Elea: A hidden place where you need a hard work to find it


*During night time at city*


Hera-Oh:*Look around until saw a shadowy figure* C stop

C:*Stopped* Oh. You see anything ? *Open the door

Hera-Oh: Yeah *get out and walk there with cautions*

*Once she arrive at the alleyway. She saw something horrific*

Humanoid beast:*Chew on a thief's corpse and rip off his intestins*

Hera-Oh:*Terrifed and froze in her place*....


*The next day*

Few people:*Look at the crime scene and whispers to each other*

Few police officers:*Try to control the scene*

Triplets:*Walk from school until saw the commotion*

Eunha: What happen there ?

Eungi: I don't know. Probaly a case

Emiko: Then we shouldn't bother. We were just kids afterall

*After some minutes, they finally arrive home and saw Minji waiting for then*

Minji: You guys are back. I'm so relieved....

Emiko: What's the matter mom ?

Minji:...You see...

"A gruesome murder has happen last night. The victim is a thief"

Minji: One of the police officer saw what happen. But she was too afraid and distraught to tell the full details. That's what your uncle tell me

Emiko: Oh. I'm pretty sure that's the reason why there's alot of people...

Minji:*Sigh* And the thing is, I have to leave this evening and went to your uncle's house because he tell me that something happen with Shawn. Maybe you guys can stay at Aunty Aera's house-

Eunha: Um. About that...

Eungi: We have a art project and had to be finished in two days

Eunha: We ended up getting a challenging one and that is animals

Emiko: And we don't want to make Aunt Aera's house messy one likes messy house

Minji: But-

Emiko: Mom...please don't stress yourself. We will be fine. We will make sure to lock all doors and windows and stay inside


Eunha: We will call you if something happen

Eungi: Trust us...

Minji:....*Sigh then nodded* I already cook some food. Just heat it up. There's a also a snacks just incase. Close all the doors and windows. Call me immediately if something happen and do NOT open the door for strangers. I might come back late so just make sure that do as what I told you guys

Triplets: We will !


*Meanwhile at the triplet's bedroom*

Mind core:*Glowing bright until apprearing a pair of purple eyes before it dissapearing*

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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