A life before

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This story is about a girl called sakura Kato. This girl lives on an island called ōkī island In a place called chīsana muku with her mom and dad. When she was born she had pink hair and green eyes. They was surprised because they have never seen someone like her before. When she was 4 she loved watching ninja cartoons and cartoons with swords

"Aya,Ami" she yelled as she ran across the street catching up to them. Aya and Ami turned around and waved "eekkk" Aya squeeled as she saw sakura's hair. Her hair wears in one big braid with the ends died green "you look cute" Said Aya. Sakura blushed and moved some hair behind her ear.  "You do" said Ami with a straight face. Ami was one of those girls who was beautiful but didn't talk much. The three girls talked about random things.sudenly RING RING,RING RING Ami's phone rang. "Where are you" yelled a woman down the phone. It was her mum
"I'm going school" said Ami as she she moved hair out the way
"IT'S THE SUMMER HOLIDAY'S" yelled her mum even louder down the phone. Ami hung up the phone then looked at Aya and sakura "I didn't know"said Aya ash her eyes started tearing up.
Sakura's dad texted her "sorry guys my dad signed me up for a summer job"
"Okey" said Aya as she waved to sakura as she walked away

sakura's journey: a journey to the sinsWhere stories live. Discover now