Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-"sometimes, the question is better than the answer."

"You missed it darling." Carlos spoke, plopping himself down on Amber's tiny bed.

"You're making it up- no way Roman was smiling- not in this lifetime." Amber said with wide eyes and her hands on her hips.

"But he was," Carlos chuckled, "he fancies her they met day before yesterday."

"Who would've thought?" Amber said going through her closet, and taking out a forest green rain coat. "Rosanne and Roman." Amber squealed, excited, "we need to get them
Together Carlos!"

Carlos smiled, "I'm all ready to play Cupid!"

"Me too!" Amber giggled, wearing the coat. "Meet me at the library, after class,"

Carlos got up, "done! I've classes with Rosanne this morning, I had asked her last evening, I'll go with her."

Amber nodded, "alright! Anton's not picking up his fucking phone, what a loser! He's probably with Roman, working on their research."

"What's this deal with the research?" Carlos asked, a tiny frown on his face.

"I actually have no bloody clue! It's something to do with Astrophysics, Roman and Anton were the only two students to get selected for this phd research course out of thousands of students from around the world this year, they're doing it with Mr. Jameson."

"Gosh, I don't have enough brain cells to even the process what they do." Carlos commented. Amber chuckled, "okay come on now, or we'll be late."


"This was an insanely long class, I'm going to need a full spa day after this." Carlos declares dramatically, throwing his hands in the air, as they walked through the majestic corridors.

Rosanne chuckles, opening the door leading outside, to the lush green verandah. It was a bright sunny day, a rarity here, so many students were out studying in the grass, or simply lounging around.

"We should find Amber and grab lunch." Rosanne voiced. 

"Let's lay down in the grass for a while before that, " Carlos said with a goofy grin, "oh like you had suggested last night, completely drunk."

Rosanne playfully hit his arm. "Shut up!"

"Honestly last night will go down as one the most fun nights for me! Can I please have your autograph!" Carlos mimicked Rosanne's drunk voice, running as Rosanne came to hit his arm again. 

"You asshole!" Rosanne said as she chuckled, trying to catch him.

Suddenly Carlos stopped laughing, as he came to a standstill in front of a man, dressed in a suit, but Rosanne could tell from his face, that he was around their age. The man stared at Carlos, intently.

"Hade." Carlos said, all humour drained from his voice. 

"Carlos, It's good to see you, again." Hade acknowledged, hands in the pocket of his trousers, and then he looked back at Rosanne, a frown gracing his sharp features, recognition dawned on his face, "Are you Rosanne bard? what are...." 

Before he could say anything further, Amber burst through from the other side of the verandah, "Hade, it's so not nice to see you." A sarcastic smile graced her face as she stood between Carlos and Hade.

"Amber." Hade said with an almost displeased smile, but he was too formal to show any actual discomfort. 

"Whatever are you doing here?" Amber asked. 

"I'm doing a semester here." 

"what?" Carlos said, surprised. 

"this is our turf." Amber said with a frown. 

"and this isn't high school, amber," Hade opinionated.

"you know what I mean, Hade." 

"Sure, I'll see you guys around." Hade said as he started to walk away.

"No you won't." Amber whispered, as she watched him walk away. Carlos let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "crap." 

Amber turned around, "don't worry, you won't probably see him again." Rosanne understandingly said, "It's a big campus."

"Not big enough to not run into ex's apparently." Carlos spoke his head hung low. Amber shook her head, "No Carlos you're not letting him ruin this for you." 

"I'm not!" Carlos said quickly, "I am just surprised, he was supposed to go to New York, wasn't he?" 

"I know but here he is," Amber huffed, "If he's here then Roman definitely knew." 

While Rosanne was worried for her friend Carlos, she breathed a sigh of relief that both of them had forgotten that Hade had recognised her. 

Just as though the past was resurfacing again, a black car pulled up in another block of their campus, unbeknownst to Rosanne, and out stepped a man in an all black suit, walking straight into the astrophysics department building. 


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