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A1: All three of the children were able to leave the building rather unharmed apart from the traumas they had suffered when they were still inside. They weren't alone anymore, they never were. In their most desperate times, they were even able to befriend the person in hiding in the dark. It was over but not done. One by one they all agreed to the same plan: burning down the place of events. Back inside they found all kinds of dangerous chemicals used to experiment on magic. Although never used in the basements where they were tested, it was clear they were eventually going to be used for them. If not inside a chicken sandwich, maybe somewhere else. The only thing they needed was fire and lucky for them, there were a couple of doctors who were amateur magic users. It didn't take long to find the most common magic time between them. After all, simple humans evolved only because they 'invented' fire.

As the building was set in flames, beautiful colors emerged from the chemicals. Such a bad and dark place was suddenly lit with every color imaginable. A couple of minutes later and miles further, its subjects looked behind them only to see the remains of the hell in ashes. Now it was done for real.

"Trauma team has arrived! If you can here this, give us a sign! Search further up ahead under that rubble. They told us there were more people in the building before it caught fire. We can't leave them!" The place was buried in rubble yet one person was found. A child around the age of 10 with serious wounds was brought to a hospital. Why was there a child there? Wasn't it just a lab for magic research? The child was later released from the hospital without clearance and hasn't been found since. Many health and safety organisations have been looking for clues about the lab, the children and the people behind it all. Nothing has come up. It is as if it vanished without leaving a trace.


Name: Ciel Lavigne
Gender: Male
Magic-type: Space shattering

B1: The people on the streets are yelling, panicking, and afraid. Mythos Metropolis has never felt so uncomfortable before. People are desperately trying to run away but nobody is running in one direction. After all, there is no hiding when the literal heavens shatter. Kyoufu and Enbi rush toward the center of the crack. Once they arrive under the zenith, they decide to split up. There is no real way of finding the actual place right underneath the breaking point so they have to look in the general area. Whoever did this must still be standing there to break it open completely. They are looking around the marketplace. The fact that the sun isn't visible anymore makes it all a tat bit harder. A number of stands have been destroyed by the panic. In between the other stands left standing, Enbi spots a familiar sight, the same blue as back then on the beach. He is here and he is doing this. Ciel's hands are pressing together the air while his magic does the work of breaking his zenith (the point of impact where the sky cracks). He is distracted as one should be when focusing so much magic and energy like this. Enbi sees his opportunity and takes it without hesitation. He sneaks close and punches him in the face with the anger he had left for her, the love Ciel stole from him, Diona.

"Where is she?! I know she is still alive and you had her mask so tell me!"
"She doesn't want you. In fact, she doesn't even need you. All she needs is someone to use her and care for her but you left her. She sees me as I am as well. I need her too. To use her so we can both survive the way we want to."
"Use her- You piece of- She hurts when she is used like that! You are hurting her! Besides, you told me you couldn't lose her, what does that mean then?"
"I know. She shouldn't be used the way we use her even though she wants it. It is her only way to cope with what she has experienced. We both can't even comprehend those thoughts."

Another, even more familiar person shows up from behind Ciel. The bright face doesn't have to hide anymore. Enbi knows it is her without a doubt. "He is right Enbi. I need him and he needs me more than you ever would. You should be with Kyoufu. Move on together." The market falls to its silence as if it were before the panics and screams. Nobody wants to lay down any more words to this heartbreaking conversation. While the lack of sunlight from the sky makes the place darker and darker, Enbi wipes his tears and snickers. "I guess we will then." From the corner of Ciel's eyes, Kyoufu creeps up out of the dark. "Don't resist." Kyoufu lays their hand on Ciel's head and they're gone. Well, physically they are still standing in the middle of the market road but mentally they have entered a nightmare. Ciel's nightmare that is and Kyoufu controls it now. While that's happening, Enbi and Diona stay quiet to each other. They don't wanna help their own partners and they definitely don't wanna help each other. They think someone will say something bad if they do so but the silence breaks that thought bubble.

"I'm sorry for punching your friend. I guess I'm a little jealous to see you-" Enbi stops talking mid-sentence because he notices Diona's face is tearing up again. "Hey, I didn't mean to make you cry. If he truly is the one you need I am willing to let go if it makes you feel better." "Don't you dare to let go of me ever again!" Some little birds who walked up during the silence fly away in fear. Enbi seems to be shocked. He thought she didn't want to see him anymore.

B2: We are back where it all started, the laboratory. The last time Kyoufu saw this, they burned it to the ground. At least, that's what they think happened. They are in a room like that which Kyoufu used to sleep in, on the ground. A small, white-colored room that never lights up if the doors aren't open. And behind those doors, a bigger white room leads to insanity even more than the previous one did. Ciel must've lived here too. He sits on the ground with his hands above his head. His mind can't remember we were just at the market. He thinks that all of this is real.

"You leave Kyoufu and I alone so I come after you. You leave no traces anywhere for me to find but when I finally have another person to need, you show up unannounced to apologize for being jealous! Ciel might want Kyoufu dead but maybe I wanna kill you instead!" The tea has been spilled. What is happening in this market isn't just a mere coincidence. It is a battle between those who want to move on and those who want to stick to their past. And now it has come to them who once loved each other, to make the deciding move. With both of the strongest magic users trapped in a nightmare, they have to decide who moves on or fixes their past.

Unlike Kyoufu's experience, the door doesn't bulge a bit. Ciel's worst nightmare isn't killing for the examination out there, it is going insane in here. In his hand appears to be a small device. It shows a map and a picture of a person. Before Kyoufu can spot the identity of the person in the picture, Ciel throws the device to the upper right corner of the room in anger and it creates a temporary flash.

The honest conversation between them is officially over. There is no rivalry as there is no competition. Enbi doesn't want to fight Diona and Diona can't fight on her own yet they both take a step back, take a stance, and leave the two unconscious in the middle between them. Enbi asks Diona: "Do you still trust me?" But he does so while embedding his hand with static. Diona doesn't reply but her face says it all. She has lost her trust in anyone except for him, Ciel.

Besides the corner flash, another flash shocks Ciel from his electric collar. After they hurt him, he gives in and scrapes a portal in the air. A man runs out and trips over on his head. Slowly, the doors open and it seems like a giant mirror. That isn't it, Kyoufu can actually see themselves on the other side. This man was their final victim before they made their escape. The shard the man had killed himself with back then was because Ciel threw that monitor to break the space behind the corner. He wanted to help Kyoufu escape but they didn't help him back then. They left him for death and set fire to the place Ciel was still trapped in back then.

B3: Enbi takes a leap and Diona does the same. Without a plan in mind, Diona simply mirrors Enbi's moves in the hope that she could win from him. Enbi charges his fist but misses. Diona, having done the same, stands next to him facing the opposite direction. Then she notices it. Kyoufu and Ciel's bodies have been separated. Enbi didn't miss Diona, he hit Ciel. Not as hard as he punched him before. In fact, he is just touching his head with his static magic. Kyoufu's body stands in front of Diona and she does the same to it. She takes off a mask and places it on Kyoufu. Both awake from the nightmare. Ciel can't move and Kyoufu is too scared to do so too. The only thing they can do is whisper to one another. "I am sorry. I didn't know." The sky repairs itself and the air clears. The clouds hold back the sun still. Ciel tries to cry even though he is completely affected by static. From the sky falls a single raindrop. "Thank you, Ciel. You saved us all."

After a Trauma Team finds the group of four silently recovering on the plaza, they help them and take them to the MELTH building. The adults there explain the things Kyoufu had done to help the foundation and how they offered them a place to live and recover from their traumas for themselves and their friends. It was the first reason why Kyoufu wanted to find Enbi and Diona. Now that they have found another, they are glad to request a fourth room. Diona undergoes medical treatment to help her with the extreme headaches. Enbi finds his own therapy in painting graffiti on the park walls. Kyoufu continues putting their most effort into helping the people of Mythos and those who made it there somehow. Lastly, Ciel has been given his freedom. The only thing he needed was simple advise, to ask for help when he needed it. So he does, every weekend Ciel returns to the hospital and requests therapy with his new friends. Sometimes it is fun together and sometimes it drives them mad but they are all improving in their own ways.

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