Chapter 10

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The Dark Cave
Chapter 10

(This Chapter has elements of su!c!de, and thoughts please do not follow)

It smells... Like when the rain drops to the ground.
It's called Petrichor, from what I heard.
Honestly no one cares about the name but the smell itself.
It's new. It's unique. Almost like a phenomenon to me.
The feeling of being surrounded by grass and water..

Is what I feel right now.

To my surprise, I woke up in a cave.

It's dark and gloomy. I stood up and wondered around this dark cave.

For some reason it's hard to speak... And breathing is like an excercise in this place.

Still I continued to walk.

And walk


Everything smells like Petrichor.

In fact that is the only word on my mind.

Then while walking in the rocky and stony path... I found a red and fiery lamp.

It was so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

I walk toward the red and fiery lamp.

I decided to pick it up.

I picked up this beautiful, fiery, and red lamp.

It shined the brightest. I can visibly see its beauty.

When I landed my finger on it...

It shined brightly! It gave light in this dark cave.

Finally I cannot stumble when I walk all by myself in this dark cave.

This lamp has always been shining bright beside me. So I continued to walk with confidence.

Nothing can hurt me when I am near the light.

I then used this lamp to not get lost in this dark cave.

Saw stone engraved maps on the thick walls.

With this lamp I could see.

I felt understood...

When I continued to walk.. I felt a whisper of wind.

Wind... Which means I am very close to being out of this dark cave.

As Manda walked using the lamp she had found... She saw... A faint light in the distance.

A glimpse of hope for Manda.

Light... I am near! Without much thought Manda left the lamp and ran to the light.

She left the lamp... All by itself.

She ran to a bigger source of light which grew even beautiful when going up close.

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