Chapter Thirty Six

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Victoria's POV

As the wheels of our business trip touched ground, I couldn't shake the weight of necessity weighing on my shoulders. With a heavy heart, I navigated to my phone, my fingers moving with a sense of resignation as I swapped out our shared memory for one less revealing. It pained me to erase traces of our connection, but the risk of exposure loomed too large to ignore.

I settled on a snapshot of Chai, his innocent gaze and playful demeanor offering a temporary reprieve from the complexities of secrecy. It lacked the warmth of the image I shared with Ivy, a bittersweet reminder of the sacrifices we made for the sake of discretion.

As the Uber halted in my driveway, Ivy's demeanor caught my attention, a subtle shift in her aura stirring my concern. Without hesitation, I reached for her elbow, my touch a silent invitation to share her burden. "What's the matter?" I probed, my voice layered with genuine care, seeking to unravel the mystery veiled behind her facade.

A fleeting smile graced her lips, but the shadows in her eyes betrayed her facade. "Just tired," she offered, her words falling short of conviction.

Doubt lingered in my mind as I scrutinized her, the tension between us palpable in the air. "Let's go inside, and then you can tell me what's going on," I proposed, hoping to provide a sanctuary for her to unburden her troubles.

But before we could delve deeper into the impending conversation, Natalie's unexpected presence threw a wrench into our plans. "What're you doing here?" I blurted out, exhaustion seeping into my voice as I opted for a temporary reprieve. "Actually, don't tell me. Come back tomorrow, I'm tired," I added hastily, the fatigue of secrecy weighing heavily on my shoulders.

Natalie's interruption grated against my frayed nerves, her plea for attention met with my weary resistance. "A minute I can use for a nap. Come back tomorrow," I brushed off her entreaty, sidestepping her presence with a resolve born of exhaustion.

Ivy hesitated, caught in the crossfire of our impromptu standoff. "Ivy, come," I beckoned, my voice a muted call to retreat from the brewing confrontation. She cast a fleeting glance back at Natalie, her silent apology a poignant echo of our shared dilemma, before following me inside.

Once the door sealed shut behind us, I sought answers in Ivy's gaze. "Did you message her?" I probed, my tone tinged with frustration. Her shake of the head deepened the crease of worry etched on my brow, a futile attempt to diffuse the mounting tension.

Exasperation welled up within me, my hand instinctively seeking solace in the tousled strands of my hair. "I need a drink," I announced, the weight of secrecy pressing heavily upon me as I sought refuge in the familiarity of the kitchen.

Amidst the clink of glasses and the pour of wine, Ivy's voice mingled with Chai's playful barks, a brief respite from the tumult of emotions swirling within. I joined her in the living room, her quizzical gaze probing my resolve. "Isn't it too early for a drink?" she questioned, her concern mirrored in the furrow of her brow.

"No," I countered, my gaze lingering on Chai, a silent acknowledgment of the comforting presence he offered. "It's never too early."

As I sank into the plush cushions of the couch, the soft glow of the screen illuminated my face, casting shadows that danced with the incoming messages. Amidst the digital chatter, one message stood out like a beacon in the night – a missive from Bea. 'Fooling around with a student? That's not good,' her words pierced through the silence, echoing with accusation and concern.

I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach. Bea knew, or at least suspected, but Ivy assured me she wouldn't take action. Yet here was evidence to the contrary, a reminder of the precarious balance we teetered upon.

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