Chapter 5: Lost in the Meat Maze

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After-school was Amrah's escape, her chance to leave the chaos of high school behind and lose herself in the quiet rhythm of her own thoughts. Despite living an hour's walk away from school, Amrah always managed to stretch her journey home into a leisurely three-hour affair.

Instead of rushing home like the rest of us, Amrah relished every step of the way, taking detours through every alley, exploring every hidden nook and cranny of the city. She used her traveling allowance not for transportation, but to indulge in her favorite snacks for the journey.

But today, her leisurely stroll takes a detour into the Twilight Zone. She takes a wrong turn and stumbles upon what she thinks is an abandoned butcher shop. Except, surprise! It’s not abandoned at all. Lights are flickering, freezers are buzzing, and there are more skinned animals hanging around than a Halloween haunted house.

As Amrah ventures deeper, the temperature takes a nosedive, and she’s like, “Uh, not cool, bro.” But does she turn back? Nah, curiosity’s got her by the throat, and she’s gotta see this through.

But then she hears it – the sound of hacking, like someone’s auditioning for a horror movie. She’s spooked, but she’s also curious AF, so she follows the noise like a moth to a flame. And what does she find? Not animal carcasses, but human-like figures hanging from the hooks, chilling like they own the place.

Before she can process this total mind screw, she’s face-to-face with someone wielding what looks like a leg of lamb. Seriously, who brings lamb to a knife fight?

In a moment of total absurdity, Amrah breaks the fourth wall, because why the heck not? “Yep,” she mutters to herself, “some dude just tried to smack me with a human leg. Cool, cool, cool.”

With adrenaline pumping and a mix of terror and amusement, Amrah braces herself for whatever comes next. Because hey, when life throws you a curveball – or a human leg – you roll with it, right?

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