Chapter 5

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Taylor's POV

If it wasn't obvious, I don't like Nicole. The moment I heard her shrill voice call Darko's name, making a hasty exit was forefront in my mind.

Look, she's probably a nice person or whatever, but because she likes Darko and because Darko's going on a date with her makes me jealous. And, when I'm jealous, I'm not exactly the nicest person.

It's crushing, seeing the person you're in love hanging with someone else. Ugh. Why did he have to make that stupid bet? His family is well off, he could have easily afforded those beers if he wanted to.

As soon as she brought up the date, I couldn't take it anymore and I got up. Bella and Lyra shot me a confused glance, but I ignored it. Darko didn't even notice me leave.

I need to stop doing this. Every time Darko and I are alone, I feel little snippets of emotion and feelings that aren't meant to be in best-friend friendships. I swear, I'm not biased; sure, I like the dude, but I swear we just connect sometimes. It ranges from a small hand brush to lingering eye contact, to the electricity I feel whenever Darko comforts me about my Mum.

Last night, I could have sworn we were having a moment after I calmed down; on paper, it all seemed right. There was dramatic eye contact, a pause, and we were so close together, holding our breaths, waiting for something. Maybe I'm just overthinking. Maybe I was just waiting for something.

It just felt so intimate, so weirdly close and personal that I couldn't help but think that maybe he was thinking of kissing me.

Then, that play fight? Good fucking lord, where did that come from? Maybe it was the adrenaline, but I'm so glad I didn't pop a fucking boner when he had me pinned down. His butt was pressed up against my lap – my dick had every reason to get excited but it didn't. I absolutely did not sleep easy that night – all I could think about was how I wanted him to climb on top of me again without any clothes on.

I'm going crazy. Straight men are dumb. Feelings are dumb. Ugh.

Tangling my hands in my hair, I frustratingly groan to myself as I lean against a pillar. I've moved through the café, and I'm now in an inbetween interior space between the café and the library. Students bustle by, and the hum of chatter is at a pleasant level.

Just breathe. Nicole will be gone soon, and I can continue my day without thinking about him and her being together. I should probably order another coffee or something, so Bella, Darko and Lyra don't think I'm weird. They probably do anyway, who am I kidding. I'm probably the only uni student that doesn't like drinking.

I wander back into the café, and as I line up a familiar redhead's voice says "Hey," behind me. "Is everything all right?"

I turn around, and Bella's there. A worried expression paints her face. I feel a panic bubble up in me, and the word vomit just starts tumbling out.

"Oh yeah, all good. Thought I needed to use the bathroom, but then changed my mind, so then decided to get a coffee. This line is so long, I've been standing here for ages now. Move people, move!"

If I could facepalm myself, I would. Bella does it for me.

"Tay. Come on. What is it?"

I shrug. "Okay, fine. Just been a rough couple of days. Had an incident with Mum last night – I'll tell you later – and I just couldn't stand Nicole's voice. Don't know what Darko was thinking – the girl reminds me of Amber Heard for some reason."

Bella laughs. "I get it. Darko can do so much better."

Yeah, better as in me. Something knots in my gut, but I ignore it, moving up in line.

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