Twenty-Four. Welcome

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*Hale Sokolov*

I laughed, rewatching this video for the seventh time today and the fifteenth since yesterday.

"She's been there less than four hours. Impressive." Lore smiled.

Our wallpapers easily became our mom and Nora standing together in dresses, my mother with the largest grin on her face.

My father said he'd never seen her so happy.

It made us more eager to be out there with them.

"Is it done?" Lore asked and I put my phone back in my pocket.

"He's dead." Jim nodded.

"Good." Lore handed him a stack of cash.

*Eleanora Elliot*

I helped her garden all day.

She gave me a pair of her worn out jeans and went outside to plant pumpkins and pick the fresh things already ready.

The most rewarding part was the lemon tree. We got delicious lemon water and lemonade.

But when the sun fell and we ate dinner, I got a call from an unknown number.

I answered.


Hello daughter.

"Hello." I answered, saving Andrei's contact.

"I'll be home. Get dress- uhh, nice?" He said.


"Black." He added.



I hung up and showered.

I called Hale when I was out.


"What do I wear? Your dad said dress nice and in black. I feel like all the outfits in this closet aren't modest-"

"He's taking you to a place we call, metro, which means underground. Dress good, it's fine to be revealing. It's not a cute family outing, it's his drug kingpin, baby." He said.

"Yeah, grab something black, black heels, put your hair up." Lore added.

So I grabbed a dress.

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"Okay I have it

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"Okay I have it. I'm gonna hang up I need Laura. Bye." I said and hung up.

I walked to their bedroom, knocking.


I walked inside.

She smiled at me from her vanity mirror.

I nodded for her to follow me and she did.

She picked out and put on my jewelry.

I thanked her and she hugged me.

I sighed, I loved my mom but something about this woman had me envious she wasn't my own.

But that wasn't fair. It wasn't my mom's fault.

I suddenly felt guilty.

She kissed my forehead and did my hair in a parted slick back for me.

It was actually perfect.

She walked me downstairs and outside.

Andrei stood outside the passenger side and opened the door for me.

I sat and he shut the door.

I tried minding my business but him and Laura were perfect. They were the sweetest and it was truly the only time he had a small smile on his face.

He came in and turned on the car. It was a very beautiful car, it roared as he took off.

"You okay?" He asked.

I gave a small smile although I was nervous.


He gently rested his hand over my own that sat in my lap.

He gave my hands a small squeeze of unspoken reassurance.

And when he parked my door was opened but not by him.

I looked at a smiling Lore and gasped.

He offered me a hand and I had never felt so much lighter as his arms came around my waist.

"My father thought you'd be happier with us here sooner." He set me down.

"Where's Hale?" I asked.

"Right here. Sorry I forgot the flowers in the car." He said and I turned as a bouquet of flowers were handed to me and he kissed my forehead.

Andrei let me place the flowers in his car and I thanked him for Lore and Hale. I felt relieved. I trusted Andrei. But it's hard not to be tense. He's intimidating and is naturally quiet and it doesn't help that he hardly speaks English and I don't speak Russian.

He gave me a small smile while offering his arm.

I took it, my hand on his bicep and the guys followed behind us.

Andrei was in a suit, Lore and Hale in dress pants and a dress shirt that was partially unbuttoned on them both.

Lore in silver jewelry, Hale in gold.

Both were perfect.

I noticed they were slightly taller than their father.

But they were nearly identical to him as well. With the exception to having their mother's skin tone.

And they were obviously younger, and highly tattooed.

They were greeted by people, Andrei keeping a solid eye on the people around us, pulling me a bit tighter toward him.

"Andrei!" A man walked up and was a bit drunk as they spoke.

It was sort of shocking to hear English conversations in here.

More common than I expected.

"My... sons, they talk for me- uhm, they have to uh... talk to others." He said quietly, looking around for them.


"Is it okay? You be here?" He pointed to my hand on his arm.

"Yes." I nodded and he nodded once before looking to his opposite side.

He walked slow, helping me in these heels.

"Drink?" He asked, pointing to the bar.

He walked there regardless of my answer.

The bartender greeted Andrei, nodding to me.

"I know what he wants, what can I get you?" The man asked me.


"Yes ma'am. We have fruit flavors too?"

"Raspberry." I wanted to try it.

"ID?" He asked and I froze, not having it on me.

"No." Andrei said.

"I have to-"

"Give my girl her drink. Don't make it an issue." Lore came behind me, his hand on my waist.

Hale said something in Russian, his father following up and the man looked genuinely worried.

Lore laughed and kissed my shoulder.

"Pa likes you. Welcome to the family, sweet girl." He left and Andrei carried my drink until we reached somewhere to sit.

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