Part 3

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Authors note: Every chapter is edited so that makes it easier for you to read, doesn't it? :) Alex is played by Max Irons but of course  if you don't like this extremely attractive guy, feel free to choose someone of your own choice ;-)


Layla pov:

The next morning there was someone waiting for my door already to help me pack. I dressed up quickly and let the man in. I assume he had waited her for quite some time as he seemed very happy to be led in.

'Thank you for helping me' I said grateful. 'Of course my lady, you are the closest thing Alpha Jace has to family'. When I heard that swallowed loud. He hadn't told me his parents died during the attack...

I truly felt sorry for him, after this journey I would make sure I would be the best sister I possibly could!

After everything was in my suitcase again the man took it and walked downstairs with it. Carelessly, like it didn't weight like a ton or something very close.

I followed him and found Jace, Troy, Sarah and Max waiting for me. I embraced Jace with a hug. 'Take care little sister of mine' he whispered so close to my ear I shivered. 'I will' I promised him. After a final goodbye I followed Troy and Sarah outside. The luggage was already in the car.

They didn’t say a word until the car was at least a mile or three away from Midnight pack territory. 'Why didn't you tell us your brother was an alpha?' Troy snapped at me. I cringed at his harsh tone. 'I didn't know he was an Alpha. I didn't even know he was alive' I quickly replied.

He nodded and his thoughts seemed to be far away. Until we arrived at Blood rose territory no one said a word. I guess Jace has threatened them and they still couldn't let go of the fear.

It wasn't my problem though, I contently enjoyed the silence. It made room for my one thoughts. I slowly fell asleep and dreamed about my brother and the war that caused him his parents...

'Layla wake up' Sarah poked me in my waist and I slowly opened my eyes. 'After this pack we have only the Moon hold pack left so this better be him ‘because even I am a bit scared of alpha Dante....’ she mumbled. I didn't think she was aware of the fact that I could hear everything.

As usual we were escorted in de direction of a huge house. Not as breathtaking as Jace's is but still beautiful. There were guards at the doors and we were walking toward them.

At all sudden Sarah stopped with walking and stared blindly at one of the guards. 'Mate' she whispered.

I couldn't believe what was happening. After all our effort to get Sarah hooked up with an alpha, she mates with an omega, the lowest rang in a pack. To me it didn't matter though, I would hate to see someone like Sarah in the powerful position of Luna.

They started walking toward each other and then they started to act like they were on a honey moon.

My mind couldn’t accept what was happening and I stared blankly at them. Troy stood beside me and in a short matter of time there spread different emotions on his face. Disbelieve, anger and happiness.

As much as he wanted an alpha for his little girl, after all, he was her father and he wanted nothing more than her happiness. This trip wasn't for nothing, Sarah found her mate and that was all that counted. I mean, there wasn't an alpha involved but she did found her mate.


I wondered when I would fine mine, If I would fine mine at all. It wasn't something I looked forward to. Whoever it was, I sure as hell wouldn’t be good enough for him. And I wanted to remain myself, look how Sarah has changed at all sudden...

I wanted to be me. The girl with two left feet, the girl with the black hoodies, the girl whom preferred reading above every other activity. I didn't want to change. I didn’t want to leave my comfort zone.

Here was I safe from a broken heart. Eventually he would leave me. He would realize what was right for him, which I clearly wasn't.

I didn't care though, I don't need anyone.

Well except from my brother maybe but I had done long enough without him...

After a while watching the whole 'honeymoon' thing became slightly awkward. I felt like I shouldn't be here and I guess so did Troy. He tugged me by my arm inside and he let me waiting in the hall while he made a quick talk with the alpha.

After what felt like an eternity but what was in reality only five minutes, Troy returned. I looked questioning at him. 'We leave her here, for now. We still have to make a promised visit to the Moon hold pack. Afterwards we'll see what we do with Sarah'. I nodded and after quick goodbyes with Sarah, who barely paid any attention at us, we drove to Moon hold pack territory.

I didn’t know if it was because it was a long time ago I took a run with my wolf or that it was something else but she seemed really excited about this visit.

I tried to concentrate on 'The hunger games', a book I found in my suitcase after my visit at Jace- but I just couldn't. I had smiled when I found out he had put more books in my suitcase. Now I understood why he wanted someone to help me packing.

I felt like there was about to happen something and I was thrilled to found out what.

Troy parked our car and of course there were some pack members waiting for us. I was getting used to the drill after visiting all the other packs. It had been exhausting but quite the experience.

They didn't help with our language so I could only assume alpha Dante wanted us away as quickly as possible. No sleepovers today...

'Behave' my uncle angrily whispered trough gritted teeth. He squeezed my arm so hard it almost broke but I didn't say a thing about it, it would make him only angrier and I had greater things to worry. How to survive a visit to the notorious alpha Dante?

I sighed and fasted my walking a bit to keep some space between me and uncle Troy. I didn't dare to come closer to the pack members so I walked in between them. I put up the hood of my sweater and in silence I followed the three pack members in front of me.

The enormous mansion of Jace was nothing compared to this one. It was light blue with white and silver details on it. It was simply... I didn't have words for it. It was so beautiful...

One of the men gestured we should wait outside and I became more uncomfortable by the minute. I placed my hands in the pockets of my sweater and tried very hard not to be impressed by the beautiful sight of the enormous house.

It was well known alphas were rich. They took care of their people in times in need and they did a lot of business deals beside their pack business.

I sighed as I uncomfortably watched the three men getting out of the mansion and walking in our direction.

There was pure silence for a moment. The only sound was the sound of our breathing. The door opened with a loud bang and I jumped a little in surprise. The alpha was making his way towards us.

I smiled slightly when I saw how handsome he was. I didn’t have to look up at his eyes to know he was looking like a Greek god, he sure had the body of it. When I caught the men looking at me my smile disappeared as soon as it came.

'I want to execute this man; one who thinks of alphas like this doesn’t deserve to live'. I chocked at his words, frightened my fate would be the same.

For the first time he acknowledge my presence. 'Well, well. What do we have here?’ Silent tears found their way down my face.

'What is your name?' he asked with a harsh tone while he took my hood off. 'Layla' I answered, still frightened like hell. 'Look at me when I talk to you!' he growled and lit my chin up.

I looked him in the eyes and the wolf inside me was cheering 'Mate!' she howled with happiness. She tried to push me in his arms and it took every muscle in my body to refuse this handsome man who was now my mate.

'Mine' he growled and het bit me in the neck to claim me with his mark.

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