Chapter Thirty Nine : Sudden Disappearance and Appearance

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~Chapter Thirty Nine : Sudden Disappearance and Appearance~


Finally, you realised your feelings for one of your three friends. Sure, it's still a mystery on who exactly your falling in love with but even so, it feels wonderful falling in love with someone.

Wonderful but really awkward. Since you realised your feelings with the boys, your body became a little weird lately. You can't behave properly with them anymore and they thought that there is something wrong with you so they were worried. When they ask what, you will just laughed nervously and say "nothing" then eventually change the subject.

It's been like three days since you found this feeling that is so unfamiliar to you but you know you need to be familiar with it because you have another feeling, another one other than love. It's the feeling something strange or new is about to happen. So, you are preparing for it.



That was the only thing your mind can say right now. You can't understand what's happening right now. This has never had happen before. Why is Gon, Killua, and Kurapika here with you in the living room with a face that looks like they need help. You looked at their head to see cute animal ears.

You shooked your head as to refresh your mind. "What happen to you, guys?" You asked. "It looks like you guys just use my power!"

"W-We don't know! We just woke up like this!" Gon said, his face was blushing.

"Y-You better find a solution to this!" Killua yelled. "I don't wanna stay like this forever. It's embarasssing..."

"H-Hold on! I'm not the one responsible for this!" You protested. "In fact, I didn't expect any of this to happen to you."

They sat properly on the couch with a worried face. You smiled at the reassuringly. "Don't worry, maybe this will disappear sooner or later. It looks cute anyway, so what's the matter?" You said, not really expecting an answer.

They all blushed slightly and looked away. "So, let's see..." You started. "Killua got cat features, Gon got dog features and Kurapika got rabbit features?"

They all nodded. You smiled. "Okay, maybe my powers will help." You said and activated your powers.

You then widen your eyes when suddenly you realise you can't. "Eh...?" You said, making the guys look at you. "It's not working...It's not working!" You panicked.

The boys looked at each other before looking at you with concern. "What's not working, (Y/N)?" Kurapika asked.

"M-My powers! I can't seem to make my powers work!" You whimpered. "A-Are they gone...?"

Kurapika pat your head in comfort which Killua and Gon didn't like. "I doubt it." He said. "Think about it. Maybe it just been passed to us. Just like you said, maybe our animal features will disappear and your powers will reappear as well. So let's wait for a day."

"Okay..." You said and smiled. "You know, you're right and this might just be a little test for the four of us." You said. "We can get through this and we'll be back to normal!"

Killua pouted and his tail swayed without him knowing. "You're so positive..." He said.

Then, Gon's tail wagged happily. "You guys are right! Let's wait until the day finish! Then, maybe, just maybe, we'll change back to normal!" He cheered

Killua looked at all of you as if you're all crazy. "What!? You guys gone crazy!? How can I live with this!?" Killua complained as he crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now