due; ruthless allies

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Joanna Mason, district seven. Grier Rowe, district four. Definitely two people you want as allies.


The Hunger Games were not exactly the thing that Grier feared the most. Sure, they were the thing that gave her the most heart wrenching pain, but they did not scare her as much as what came before it. Before The Hunger Games were all the little things they did for the Capitol; to makes themselves as present and known as they could be. That's what scared Grier.

It was like a form of stage fright, only worse. Everything she did was perfectly planned to the tee so no one would notice her screw up in any way. One screw up and she's be dead for sure.

One screw up was all it took to have her head on the chopping block. It was an ironic expression considering where she was prepping to go. The literal chopping block. The Games.

Yesterday in the elevator, if the cameras had been around, that might've one of the most embarrassing moments of Grier's life. She did not expect Johanna to do that. But it didn't really matter. The only one who seemed to mind Joanna's little show was Katniss. As the girl ranted and raved about wanting to shove her axe in her stylist's face, Grier just kept looking anywhere but Johanna, looking back and forth between Peeta and Haymitch's familiar faces. Katniss was the only one besides Grier who wants staring at Joanna.

That girl was wound up so tight it was like she might actually burst at any moment. The girl on fire had way too much on her plate to even think about jokes. Of course, Grier felt for her, knowing the weight of the past year's games still looming over your head. That was something that was almost impossible to get rid of. All that guilt.

But like she said earlier, it was almost impossible. The minute Grier stopped caring was the minute all her troubles stopped. No more terrifying nights or screaming bloody murder. No more nothing. It was an emotionless state of peace that Grier didn't mind.

Of course, Grier wanted to rid her face of the heavy makeup and flashy dress up but promised to hang out with Joanna after the monstrosity that was the parade. When the elevator dinged, Joanna walked out, muttering some words that honestly sounded bitchy to Grier's ear. Nonetheless, Grier turned to leave giving Haymitch a quick wink as she walked out of the elevator. It might've seemed weird to Katniss and Peeta, but Haymitch knew Grier. He knew she was a part of the plan.

An unexpected alliance.

"Sorry about her. She's off her rocker," Grier called over her shoulder, knowing that they were watching her every movement as she left, even as the elevator doors slid shut. Overly cautious is what Grier liked to call it. Well, it wasn't something she could blame them for. Who wouldn't be cautious around another person who could kill you in five seconds flat? In several different ways she might add.

The click of her heels against the hard tile of the floor brought Grier back to reality as she walked toward Joanna's room.

The next day had taken a completely different turn from the night before. No pretty dresses or complicated hairdos; only sweat and the stench of blood. No more prim and proper until it was time for their interviews. Now they were at the tributes arena, there was a feeling of competitiveness that was always there. Everyone wanted to up one each other. Like herself and Johanna. There was always this thing inside of her that made her want to be tree than Joanna. To kill more people, have more skills with a weapon. It was a brutal truth.

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