Intransigent | 27

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Chapter 27

Emma's POV

    The girls and I were able to put out quite a spread and the guys did a wonderful job firing up the grill and making the meat.  By the time that everyone arrived at the party, the food was all out and Dane and Ashton were just finishing up the last couple of rounds of burgers and hotdogs.

    I was getting curious looks as I moved from the kitchen and out to the grill to see Ashton.  They knew who I was but they were curious as to what I was going to be like.  It was natural for any pack to be curious about their new Luna.

    I made sure to smile and greet anyone that I passed, introducing myself and getting to know they a little bit before moving on, steadily making my way to Ashton.  He smiled when he saw me coming and held out his hand to pull me to him.

    "Are you ready to make the announcement?" he asked, leaning down to whisper in my ear. 

     I nodded.  I was ready to be formally introduced as Luna of the pack and start my responsibilities.  "More than ready," I replied, looking up into his eyes with a bright smile.

    He grinned proudly down at me and placed a quick peck on my lips.  He released my waist, taking my hand instead and led me up to the porch.  The pack members moved respectfully out of his way, watching with eager anticipation.

     When we had ascended the stairs to the porch, Ashton turned us to face the assembled pack members and Dane walked up to stand on the other side of me.  The pack fell silent in respect for their alpha and Ashton began to speak.

    "You all know that I've found my mate, and you all know that you were called here today for her welcoming ceremony.  This is Emma," he smiled lovingly at me and swung our hands a little bit, "and she's going to be your new Luna."

    Cheers went up throughout the crowd and I smiled down at them all.  They were my responsibility now.  It was up to me, and Ashton, to make sure that they were all safe and taken care of.  I had the sudden urge to go down there and start mingling right then, but I knew that Ashton wasn't done with his speech.

    "Emma is the daughter of the alpha of the Falling Stars Pack and has been missing for two years.  She was drawn here by the moon goddess when she escaped and when the time is right, we will be exacting revenge for her mistreatment.  For now, though, she simply wants to get to know all of you."

    Everyone smiled and nodded along to his statement, though many looked angry at the thought of my mistreatment.  None really knew what had happened, but we would tell them when it was time to go after Max. 

    I stepped forward slightly to address them.  "Do not think of what preceded my coming here tonight," I told them.  "What matters is that I'm here, where I belong, and I'm so eager to get to know all of you.  There's a wonderful buffet prepared by Vivi, Lucy, Camille, Talia, Abby and I.  I'd love to get to know you all while we enjoy the feast."

    Stepping back even with me, Ashton wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple.  "Everyone welcome your new Luna, Emma!"  Cheers went up all around us and I stared happily up into Ashton's eyes.

    He grinned down at me, his joy evident in the brightness of his eyes, and he leaned down and kissed me right in front of the entire pack.  This started a whole new round of cheering, of the hooting and hollering variety.

    A gripped tightly to his chest as he leaned back, feeling a little unsteady and he grinned down at me victoriously.  I rolled my eyes and slowly released his shirt, moving to stand on my own again.

    I spent the rest of the night mingling with the pack and getting to know everyone.  Ashton was almost always by my side, as was Dane.  They took it upon themselves to introduce me to everyone and stood quietly as I chatted and got to know each person and their families. 

    The food was delicious and all six of us got praises for it.  The title of Luna was used more than I'd like, even after I told everyone to call me Emma.  It would probably take some time for them to get used to that one.

    The party didn't have a specific time to end, so people slowly trickled away as it became time to put the kiddies to bed or just got tired and were ready for bed.  As I said goodbye to the last few people lingering, I leaned against Ashton's side, exhausted but proud. 

    He squeezed my shoulder tightly in a hug and leaned down to drop a kiss to the top of my head.  "Let's get you up to bed," he murmured, turning to lead me back inside. 

    "We still have to go over that treaty with a fine toothed comb," I told him, resisting his pull towards the stairs. 

    "It can wait until morning," Ashton told me, pulling gently on my hand to try to get me following him again.  "You've had a long day."

    I shook my head.  "Someone needs to tear Elison apart for that treaty and we should get back to him tonight."

    Ashton refused.  "We can tear him apart in the morning when we both have the energy to do it properly.  Come to bed, Emma," he ordered, reaching out and throwing me over his shoulder.

    I squealed and laughed as he made his way towards the stairs, hanging like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder.  "Ashton, put me down!" I laughed.  "I'll go to bed!"

    "You're going anyway," he replied, his voice smug as he continued climbing the stairs, ignoring my protests and weak struggling.  I wasn't trying very hard.

    Pushing open the door to our room with his free hand, he tossed me easily on the bed, following me down and placing kisses all over my face, making me giggle.  "Go to sleep sweetheart," he whispered, ending his sweet assault and pulling me into his arms. 

    "But my dress," I complained, not wanting to sleep in it.

    With a quick tug, Ashton had the zipper down and easily peeled it off me, throwing it on the floor in the corner.   "Ashton!" I exclaimed, half in shock and half in amusement. 

    "Shh," he whispered, wrapping his arms around me and pulling the covers over us.  "Sleepy time."

    I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me, but I listened and snuggled into his arms.

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