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September 6th, 1993, continued.

Adam Blevins was frankly having too good of a time at the party to notice much of anything out of place.

It was the first date he'd had in a few weeks and Eve seemed like a pretty cool chick, albeit a little sarcastic and what his mother would have called "rough around the edges".

Anyway, she wasn't a stage five clinger or anything - almost to the point of seeming disinterested if he was being honest - so he was pretty much free to roam the party as he saw fit.

He'd bring her a drink now and again and try to dance with her before getting pulled away by one of his friends for one thing or another, then try and catch up with her a little later.

It didn't seem odd at first when he couldn't find her. He figured she'd just gotten caught up doing something, maybe stepping outside for a smoke or something or the sort.

It only became a source of concern when he checked the smoker's pit and half the house with no sign of her anywhere. Even then, his main concern was that he'd been ditched.

"Hey, it's Adam, right?" a voice caught his attention as he looked around the back patio. He turned around to face the source.

"Yeah," he confirmed dubiously, raising an eyebrow at the skinny blonde kid. He'd seen him around school, knew enough to know few people were fond of the guy, though he'd never personally interacted with him.

"That girl you were with is upstairs, hurling her guts out all over the bathroom, man," the guy told him with a wince. "Might wanna go check on her."

"Shit," he let out a groan, flicking his cigarette to the wayside.

That was all he needed, a drunk date to ruin his night.


When she came around again, everything came into focus slowly, the edges of it all blurred and still spinning wildly. She lurched forward for something to grab ahold of as she got her barrings, propping herself up against the side of the tub.

She realized quickly there was someone in the room with her And immediately, her fight or flight reflex kicked in albeit in slow motion. She pawed at her clothing to make sure it was still attached to her body, shrinking back into the corner.

"Hey, hey," a familiar voice said as a pair of hands found her cheeks, "it's okay, you're safe."

She squinted, trying to make the face before her come into clarity. As it came into focus, she blinked a few times in confusion.

"Tate?" she asked, screwing up her face against the pounding in her head. "What're you doing here?"

"Nothing better to do. Doesn't matter, though," he dismissed her question. "How much've you had to drink?"

"Like, two? I don't know. I'm not drunk," she hiccuped, her head swimming sickly. "I think someone put something in my punch."

"Probably that asshole Adam. Wouldn't be the first time he pulled something like that," he sighed as smoothed back her hair. She enjoyed the feeling of his cool palm against her sweating forehead, focusing on the sensation to keep from vomiting again.

She hadn't even considered her date as a threat. He was, however, the only person who'd brought her drinks or even spoken to her that night. She couldn't think straight enough to process the idea.

There was a pounding at the door that echoed through her aching head, making her jump closer to Tate. He wrapped his arm around her protectively.

"Evie, babe?" a voice called from the other side of the door. "You in there?"

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