12.Unworthy Tricks

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Like everything else, the party eventually came to an end. The only people left were Vex, the Avengers, Helen Cho, and Maria Hill. James and Sam had chose to stay around also and were seated on a small couch, next to Tony.

Vex was seated in between Thor and Steve, putting her hair up into a high ponytail. Thor's hammer was placed on the table with the handle sticking out, catching Tony's eye.

Noticing this, Clint groaned, twirling a drum stick in his hand. "It's a trick man," he warned.

"Oh it's much more than that," Thor told him, clinking his beer bottle with Vex's tequila-filled glass.

Clint seemed unimpressed. "Uh huh. Who-so-ever be he worthy, shall have the power," he snorted, "whatever man it's a trick."

Vex shared a look with Thor, the latter gesturing to his hammer. "Well, please, be my guest," he said.

"Yes, we're in need of some entertainment," Vex teased, causing laughter to erupt.

Ignoring Vex's comment, Clint looked to Thor. "Really?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Thor nodded, giving him an encouraging smile.

Clint stood up, letting out a small groan. His actions caused Vex to mumble a "old man" under her breath.

"Clint you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up," Tony commented, earning a couple of laughs.

"You know I've seen this before right?" Clint said, looking at everyone in the room. He pulled on the hammer with all of his strength and let out a sigh when it didn't budge. "I still don't know how you do it."

"Smell the silent judgement?" Tony asked as Clint sat back down. Clint rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath, causing Tony to let out a chuckle as he sipped his beer.

"Please Stark, by all means," Clint begged sarcastically, motioning to the stubborn hammer.

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge. It's physics," Tony explained as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and sauntered over to the coffee table. "Alright so if I lift it, I can rule Asgard?"

Thor smiled as he nodded. "Yes of course!" He exclaimed, his blue eyes bright.

"I will be fair but firmly cruel," Tony said, placing his foot on the table and grabbing onto the leather strap. He pulled with all of his might but the hammer didn't move.

Tony thought about it for a moment before he snapped his fingers and ran out of the room.

"Scary ass," Clint snorted, sipping some of his beer. Natasha let out a laugh, along with Thor.

Tony came back moments later with one of his Iron Man hands on and placed it on the handle again. He moved around, trying to get a better grip, but the handle still wouldn't move. Even using his thrusters wouldn't help him so he called on the help of James, telling him to get his suit's hands.

As they both tried to pull, Tony let out a groan, the sound being tuned out by the music playing in the background.

Irritated, Tony looked over at him. "Are you on my team?" He asked.

"Just representin'!" James shot back, pulling even harder.

"Alright let's go!" Tony yelled, the veins in his head showing as he tried his hardest.

Eventually, the two gave up. They both sat down; Tony beyond sad and James not even affected by it as he sipped his drink happily.

Bruce stood up, rubbing his hands together as he made his way over to the hammer. He put both of his feet on the table as he pulled his hardest. Coming to the realization that he wouldn't be able to do it, he jumped down from the table, facing everyone as he yelled and screamed.

Seeing their unimpressed faces, Bruce frowned. "Nothing?" He questioned sadly. Natasha snorted as he made his way back to his seat.

Vex nudged Steve and he smiled slightly, handing her his beer. He stood up, causing everyone to let out sarcastic remarks and hollers.

Steve pulled up, using all of his strength, and the hammer moved slightly. The jokes had immediately ceased and Vex could see Thor tense from beside her. Steve gave up and Thor laughed, grinning like a child.

He took his spot next to Vex, who had gave him his beer back, and shrugged as if it were nothing. Maria had tried after that and was slightly disappointed- though she understood why- when she couldn't lift it.

Everyone looked to Natasha suggestively and she shook her head, sipping her beer. "Oh no, that's not a question I need answered," she told them, leaning back.

Helen had also declined, along with Sam. Everyone turned to Vex and she choked slightly.

"How could I ever lift it, I'm holding my drink with my good hand?" She questioned sarcastically.

Everyone let out a small laugh at her comment and they were in a comfortable silence for a while. Tony and Clint had tried a couple times more while everyone else just relaxed, but they still couldn't pick it up.

"All deference to the man who wouldn't be King, but it's rigged," Tony said, breaking the peaceful silence as he chugged his beer.

"You bet your ass!" Clint snorted, putting his feet up on the table as he finished his beer.

Maria choked on her drink slightly, her gaze traveling over to Steve as she pointed to Clint. "Steve he said a bad language word!" She whined, laughing.

Steve sighed as he threw his arm on the couch, right behind Vex's head. "Did you tell everyone about that?" He asked Tony.

Purposely ignoring Steve's words, Tony changed the subject. "The handles imprinted right? Like a security code, who-so-ever is carrying Thor's fingerprints is- I think- the actual translation."

"Yes that's a very interesting uh theory," Thor stated, setting his beer down and standing up. He picked up his hammer as he looked at everyone. "But I have a better one, you're all not worthy."

Everyone let out a string of laughs, boos, and groans. They stopped though when a loud screeching sound was heard.

They all turned to see one of the Iron Legion bots limping towards them. He was obviously in need of a toon-up of some sorts and had wires sticking out of it's 'body'.

"No, how can you be worthy?" It asked, tilting it's head to the side. "You're all killers."

Vex looked at the robot in shock, her eyes locking with Steve's for a quick moment. "Shit!"

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