★The fight that ended it all★

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★Ivy POV★

Why the fuck are you and the bitch all buddy buddy?? I yelled as I stared daggers in Blake. She rolled her eyes and suck her teeth. Are you gonna answer my question or what? Again she simply crossed her arms over her chest and stared back at me. Today would be nice, I yelled, growing real impatient with her lack of communication.

"Maybe if you stopped fucking yelling at me like I'm a child, I will answer, IVY!" She finally said as she rolled her eyes again. "Besides, you fucking told me to show her around," she yelled in an annoyed tone. Of course by now the whole cafeteria was starring at us and not to mention Kacy, Katie, and Lacy were all behind me whispering rather loudly to each other.

"Ugh, I can't believe she let her talk to her like that"

"Hmph, if she can do so can I"

Was all I heard from the moron factory behind me. But they had a point if I let Blake disrespect me the whole school would think I'm a wuss an Ivy Wright is no wuss.

So I crossed my arms mimicking Blake posture and said without thinking, "You call yourself, a friend Blake, you let that nobody talk about me and didn't even defend me (which I knew wasn't true, like I said I know my best friend but I had to save face. She disrespected me and had to pay) so fuck you and delete my number you stupid dyking bitch"... And to make matters worst I slapped her right across the face. And without even realizing what I just said and did, I watched as Blake sad blue eyes shed tears like actual tears. Blake was the hard core all American nerdy athletes and she never, ever, ever cries in public and to see the pain I cost her hurt but I wasn't going to let it show.

By now the cafeteria was laughing and pointing and the whispers started and all I heard as my best friend stormed passed me and out the cafeteria doors was:

-Oh my god, she's gay.

-She probably tried to rape her at their annual sleep overs.

-But she slept with so many guys... she's just an attention whore.

-What a slut!

And just like that I realized I was the worst friend ever. I had just single handedly outed my best friend to the whole school and now everyone would hate her.

We finished lunch and the bell rang, signaling it was time for our next period class. Normally by now I would have Amy does something ridiculous and humiliating, but I just wasn't feeling it. So I dismissed the others and headed to my car. I didn't feel like being at school so I headed to my car and drove home. I knew I still had 2 classes left so I texted Amy.

"You need to get all my homework for my remaining classes and complete it. Be at my house tomorrow morning with the completed assignments an you better be on time and it better be correct" I sent the message then silenced my phone.

★Emerald POV★

I sat at my lunch table literally speechless as Ivy pretty much tore a hole into her so called best friend. I watched as she told the whole school that Blake was gay. Which hurt because I know how it feels to be in the closet and to open up to someone and have them threw it in your face, it's not only wrong but it's just plain mean.

I couldn't take it and just as I was about to stand up and march over there and put Ivy in her place, I felt Amy grab my wrist. She pleaded with her eyes and when she realized that wasn't going to work she spoke, "Em please their best friends, let them handle it... don't you think you interfered enough already?" I looked at her with disbelief, I didn't like the fact that she was accusing me. I mean, yes, she was mad at what I said, but she had no right to take it out on her. I looked at Amy and shook my head before saying, "yeah, they might be arguing over her talking to me but Blake is her own person... and like you said if they are really best friends Ivy would know she defended her and a real friend would never out their friend to the entire school like that." I rolled my eyes at Amy and decided she was right, it wasn't my place, but I was going to check on Blake because although I didn't know her that long that what a decent human being would do.

I couldn't believe Ivy was that cold hearted. After the car ride I figure she had some sort of kindness in her body; even if it was at the bottom of her pinky toe. But sadly I was wrong.

I stood up, threw my untouched pizza in the trash and walk in the direction Blake headed. As I said before the school is huge, so that child could be anywhere. I was walking around for what felt like ages and still with no luck. Suddenly I heard some sniffles and I headed in the direction. At the end of the hall there was Blake sitting Indian style crying.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked as I sat beside her. I mentally smacked myself because I knew she wasn't alright, but that was the first question that popped in my head. "Did that really just happen... I mean, did she actually out me to the entire school?? I mean pinch me, I have to be fucking dreaming." She asked as she looked at me. "I wish I could tell you she didn't, but she did and this probably isn't a good time to say I told you so." She looked at little confused before she said, "huh....what did you tell me?" I chuckled and replied, "I told you she was a selfish bitch."

She frowned at me, "no, she's not she just didn't want people to think she wasn't in control and she had to perform for the crowd....I just don't think she thought before she spoke." I smiled at her because she was still defending her even after she was a total bitch to her. That showed me how loyal she was. "What you smiling at?" she asked, interrupting my thoughts. "Nothing, just thinking how Ivy is lucky to have you as a friend, " I said as her cheeks turned this adorable pick color. "Yeah, she was lucky, wasn't she? But honestly, I don't know if I can forgive her, " she said as the bell rang. I stood up, dusted my pants off and reached out to help her up. I grabbed my bag as and said, "come on Blake, you and Ivy can definitely work this out. I mean maybe not today nor tomorrow but if y'all had a true friendship I'm sure y'all can work it out." She sighed and shrugged her shoulders before we started walking to class.

So what do you guys think? Does Ivy deserve her forgiveness or should Blake just forget about her. Isn't Emerald just the sweetest to go she if Blake was alright she even suggested they work it out and she hates Ivy for now. But more drama is to come. 😙✌

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