Children of the Forest

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The house was empty and the all the belongings of the mother I had thought was mine stood, hung and sat in their original places. I of course was burdened with their memories. I remember me wearing her heels at the age of seven or hiding her hat under the sink but it tore me apart to realize that she wasn't there anymore.

I grew up with a mother who was empathetic and kind with no sense adventure whatsoever but then suddenly I couldn't label her as my mother any longer. My real mother had a personality that was relatable to mine and looks that could claim me as her child. But as I sat on the maroon couch that Tibithia kept just for the sake of it and ate the last batch of pasta she made, I realized that she was the only person I could call mom.

"Daydreaming?" I jump as a voice spoke then turned to see Lucas with his hair dusted with snow. His distinct platinum blonde hair was pointing in all directions while his nose turned red from the cold.

"Don't scar me like that!" I say, placing empty the bowl of pasta on the coffee table.

"Sorry, I just wanted to check how you were doing," At this my mind jumped back to the hospital. Mr Haude had told me my 'mother' went missing after I ran into the forest and she never returned, I didn't have the courage in me to tell them she was dead so I just kept silent.

"I'm...okay," I say truthfully.

"Oh," He looks shocked by this and his nose wrinkles in confusion. I end the conversation and walk to the kitchen were I had set up a painting station for the time being. I had finally found the missing piece in my painting without having to stand at the foot of the forest. I place the dry canvas on the wall of the living room and stand to observe it.

Lucas walks to see it as well, "It's very good."

I nod, "Maybe it is."

But as we stood there Lucas failed to see the three figures painted in the forest itself, they were disguised amongst the trees. I doll, a bear and a monster all together stood in the clump of trees, waiting for the children of the forest to come home.

The End.


I would like to thank all the readers, voters and every other person involved in the book as well as the people who motivated me in continuing my tale. Editing will commence from the 1st of December, depending on the state of the book. I enjoyed every minute of it, it also gave me the courage to show the world my writing. Thank you all.

And try not to wander into any forests.

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