Chapter Five// The Real Me

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"Nathan?" I squeak, my voice dried up at the shock of what I am witnessing before me.

His eyes follow mine and as he stares down at his revealed stomach, his eyes suddenly enlarge and he jumps back into his room. A moment later he returns back to the door with a shirt on, tight to his chest which defined his abs. With the pull of the shirt over his head, it has messed up his hair even more, the brown locks tangled as he tries to straighten them with the tug of his fingers. A faint blush filters up to his cheeks, giving his sculptured face some colour. His head peers down to the floor with a shy gaze.

"Um, I can come back later if-"

"No. No, it's ok." His eyes rise and they connect with mine, an unknown rush of electricity sparking through me as his gaze lands on me. With the skip of my heart, I enter his room as he stands aside to let me in.

Firstly I notice that his room is immaculately clean! The carpet has been vacuumed with no trace of anything out of place, everything where it should be.

This is the second teenage boy's room I've ever been in- Josh's being the first- and this is a complete change to what I have experienced before.

"I wasn't expecting company," Nathan scratches the back of his neck. I turn around on my heels to face him, a different boy standing in front of me to who I thought he was. Now I have no clue who he is...

"I just came round to give you this," I place his phone in the palm of my hand, extending my arm for him to take it. "You dropped it in English. I thought you may like it back." Well of course he wants it back Paige, ugh God.

As his hand reaches out to retrieve the phone, his fingers lightly brush over mine. My hand shakes with a warm tingle as I pull it back to my side.

"Thank you," his voice is a bit more confident than before. He tosses his phone onto his bed then steps closer towards me. "I bet you want an explanation." A faint smile lifts the corners of his mouth.

I see a glimpse of his teeth and gosh they are white.

"Yeah, that would be good," I giggle slightly, my fingers laced together in front of me as I stand still. He exhales with the tilt of his head.

"I'm not all that nerdy," he starts off by saying. I raise my eye brows sarcastically, us both laughing in unison. "I mean, how I act in school isn't the real me."

"Then who is the real you?" He intrigues me in so many different ways. The glisten in his brown eyes is just enough to make my knees fall weak with awe. He is the boy I was dreaming about last night from the photo off his phone. Nathan is the guy with the stunning jaw line and god like muscles.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Who would have guessed?

"The real me?" He questions, his hand gliding through his thick hair. "I don't know, maybe that's for you to find out." How more mysterious could this guy get? My lips are still parted, gaping at him like an idiot as he grins back at me, myself now becoming the shy one.

"Ok," we reflect each other's smiles for a moment, taking in the silence around us.

"You want to watch a movie?" He asks. I blink to process his question. Do I want to watch a movie? "I've got a new DVD player, you want to try it out?" He walks over to his flat screen on his wall, opposite his king sized bed.

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