56// cry

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bold is pietro

56// cry

"Ophelia, what is he talking about?"
"Oh, so you haven't told him"
"pietro, don't"

"You see, brother, your little whore just couldn't keep her legs closed"
"Don't you dare talk about her like that!"
"grayson, calm down nothing happened"

"What does he mean the mother of my unborn child?"
"Answer me, Ophelia!!"

"grayson, i—i"
"She didn't stutter when I fucked her"
"Shut the fuck up!"

"Ophelia, tell me what happened!"
"I screwed her brains out. I did that to your little harlot."
"both of you stop!! now!!"

"Ophelia...is what he says true?"


"Are you carrying his child?"

"i don't know"

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