Arrowhead (Clint)

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You rummage around in the bag until you feel something sharp prick your finger. You immediately retreat your hand from the bag to look at the small puddle of blood forming on the tip of your index finger.
"Dammit." You mutter.
"There's only one thing that could have been." Tony announces, rummaging through the bag and producing an arrow head.
"Why did you put that in there?" You ask, annoyed that you now had a bleeding finger.
"It was the only thing we could think of to represent Clint." Tony replies, uninterested in your injury.

Instead he pushes you into the closet, soon followed by an apologising Clint.
"(Y/n), I'm so sorry! I didn't think that it would hurt anyone, I- I just-"
"It's okay, Clint, really."
You struggle to see if your finger is still bleeding, but the lighting was too dark to determine.
"Here, let me have a look." Clint says, taking your hand in his and holding your finger to the small light emanating through the keyhole of the door.
"It's still bleeding." He mutters. "Here, suck it." He demands, pushing your finger toward your face.

"Whoa, what's going on in there?" You hear Tony from outside, sounding like he's enjoying himself.
"Oh, wow, that sounded pretty bad." Clint blushes, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. You chuckle and place your finger in your mouth to stop the bleeding.
Clint watches you awkwardly, and in the end you give up. Removing your hand from your face, you push your thumb on the small cut, hoping that will prevent the bleeding.

"So..." You try to get Clint to talk.
"Oh, right. 7 minutes in Heaven." Clint chuckles, remembering the game. "If you, uh don't hate me now, I'd still like to play." He speaks cautiously.
"Are you saying you want to kiss me, bird boy?" You tease.
"Well, uh, I- only if you- I mean-" you laugh as he stutters before putting him out of his misery.
Your lips interject his nervous blabbering, cutting him off.

He tenses slightly but relaxes into the kiss. His hands instantly fall to the small of your back, pulling you closer to him hungrily. Your hands also shoot up, one resting on his shoulder and the other on his cheek. He runs his tongue across your lips begging for permission and you grant it to him, parting your lips.
His hands trail down to your ass and he lifts you up. You wrap your legs around his hips, and you continue to kiss deeply.

You feel a sudden burst of lust deep within you and start to pull at the hem of his tshirt. He walks to the wall of the cupboard, holding you against it. With you still suspended in the air, held up by only Clint's hips pushing you against the wall, he pulls his tshirt over his head, revealing his defined muscles. Your legs tighten around his hips, silently begging him not to drop you. With the close proximity of your crotch on his you can feel his bulge in his jeans. His hands move to your hips and you trace your fingers down his chest. Just as his lips meet yours once more, you hear the cupboard door burst open.

Clint jumps back from you, and you feel yourself falling to the ground. Before you hit the hard floor below, Clint's hands are on your waist, steadying you. You let out an involuntary squeal of fright at the sudden drop and Clint starts apologising.
"I didn't mean to drop you! I'm so sorry!"
You burst out laughing and notice most of the Avengers had gathered around the doorway, peering in at a shirtless Clint and a flustered (y/n).

"Well, well, well." Tony smirks and the other avengers start laughing profusely.
You push past them all, keeping your head down to hide your burning cheeks.
When you reach back to your seat, you sit down just in time to see Clint walking back out fully clothed and equally as red as you. You watch him move back to his seat, sitting down and discreetly adjusting his jeans in the groin area.
You send him a discreet wink and before long he had to excuse himself to the bathroom.😉

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