Boy Next Door: Chapter 6: In His Bed

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Chapter 6

They showed me around the land for a while, well Tyler did, Gracie was actually working. I liked Tyler he seemed nice, you wouldn’t expect him to be so down to earth because of the way he dressed. I expected him to be the stereotypical, nonchalant emo, not a happy person.

“Hey, I’m going to go to bed.” I said I started feeling tired, I’d never worked as hard in my life as I had today, I seriously considered going back home because I never usually work this hard. “Where do I sleep?” I asked sheepishly this was the first night I was going to sleeping in their house, complete strangers that I had just met.

“You’re sleeping in my room.” Tyler said smiling widely getting up after and then walking past me to show me the way. “I think I might hit the hay too.” We walked in silence but it only lasted a few seconds because it was only single-storey. “Here’s my room.” He said once we got there.

The room was quite small, there was one bed which looked as if it was a single, maybe a double, and a small closet which looked like it could only fit about 10 maybe 12 different outfits. There were 2 pairs of shoes on the floor, which was wood-flooring; the walls were black and most of his things seemed to be black and another color.

“I’m sleeping on the floor right?” I questioned nervously not wanting to seem like a burden.

“No. No. Noooo!!” He replied quickly, gesturing his bed to me. “I’ll sleep on the floor, you get the bed. You are the guest after all.” We were stood close to each other, I could feel his breath on my face, it was warm and minty. We stood there for a few minutes before I coughed uncomfortably and stepped back away from him.

I then realised that I was going to have to sleep in the clothes that I was wearing, until I worked enough to buy some new things. Tyler must have noticed my strange expression because he asked me, “You have no pajamas do you?” He raised an eyebrow at me. I shook my head in response. “You can wear one of my old tops if you want.”

“Thanks.” He handed me a top which looked just a little bigger then my size. “Where’s the bathroom.”

“What do you need the bathroom for?” He asked confused taking of his black, skull shirt exposing his abs. Wow, he had a 6pack, I wasn’t expecting that. I couldn’t stop staring at it, after what seemed like 5 minutes I managed to take my eyes off of his abs. I looked up to him and he was staring at me.

“So I can change, in to this shirt.” I remembered what he asked me before I was distracted by him.

“We’re both boys, it doesn’t matter….does it?”

I stood there for a while before taking of my shirt slowly, not really wanting to. I pulled it off over my head and folded it over placing it on the bed; Tyler still hadn’t put on his top. I hurried put mine on to stop this awkward moment. “Are you sure I can have you bed? I honestly don’t mind the floor.”

He walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “What kind of person would I be if I let my guess sleep on the floor?”

“I don’t want you to sleep on the floor, it’s your house.”

“And I don’t want you to.” He stayed silent for a while. “We’ll both sleep on the bed then and I will not take no for an answer. I don’t want you on the floor and vice versa so it’s decided.”

I was in his spare top and he was in his nightwear. Tyler got into his bed and gestured for me to get in to. It was definitely a single bed, I slowly walked towards his bed, I stood there for a while so he ended up pulling me down. I almost landed on top of him but I managed to regain my balance before I could.

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