Chapter 10: Valery's Heavenly Food.

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"Say me, what happened? Spill all the juicy details out!" Ivanna urged Valery to know what happened after we left her behind with Alejandro.

Valery's tiny lips started twitching up by each millisecond, as a blush rose to her cheeks. Most probably, reliving intensity with Alejandro. Her head was slightly bent, eyelids covered the view of brown iris which gazed down at her fidgeting fingers, as if they were a fascinating view, right now. 

"Nothing much..." her tone reduced to a soft whisper when compared to her normally grandma tone.

"It does seem like nothing, from your tomato face..." Ivanna trailed off, the tone mixed with a tinge of a tease.

"Hey!" Valery looked up, finally. "I am not as red as a tomato, okay?" 

Sure, you are not. No one can be as red as a tomato. lol.

Shut up! It was just a phrase. 

"Valery! Look at the sauce on the stove!" I said in an alert when my ears perked upon the sounds of boiling sauce.

"Shit!" She muttered under her breath and dashed towards stove from where we relaxed, on the stools by the kitchen counter. My stomach grinned when Valery announced that she was going to deal with dinner today. What could I complain now? My stomach was in love with Valery's food. 

"I guess they made out," Ivanna said, her voice in a low tone, to avoid the sharp ears of Valery.

"It sure looks like." I nodded my head in agreement. From the time we arrived home, with Ethan, her behaviour was on cloud nine. She addressed, Ivanna, sweetie. Not only that but also she handed some donuts to Ethan, the boy rooted to his place for a second but nevertheless enjoyed his snack. 

"It's almost done!" Valery yelled, stirring something on the stove.

Oh! At least, I'll get good food now.

After Valery completed setting plates and necessary eating tools for her dish, she called out for Ethan and Alejandro, who were engrossed in their own world of superman, at the other end of the kitchen. 

Whenever I took a step forward, I reminded myself that I was residing in a palace now and not a small house, like prior to realizing the truth. Every room signifies 5 times the normal size, so does kitchen where 10 counter chairs could be accommodated easily, to have a peaceful meal. The dining hall was a story for future.

"So,  how many monsters did you kill today?" I pinched Ethan's cheeks when he sprinted in my direction.

"Like five, I guess. Alejandro helped me too." A chuckle slipped my lips when he started an anecdote of 'how he ended the monsters!'

My brain noted all the points by Ethan just when I felt an elbow making contact with my side, inducing a slight pain in that area. I whipped my head, lips turned down, almost ready to curse the person.

"Look at them!" Ivanna squealed in my ear gesturing towards Alejandro and Valery. Valery was busy making the table whilst Alejandro's gaze was fixed on her, taking her all in, at once. The poor girl was unaware of the intensity.

Don't you think it's cute? The new love is rooting, slowly becoming a tree which will blossom with breath-taking flowers in future.

"So," I started snapping Alejandro to reality, "what happened after we left?" I sang out loud enough for Valery to cease at the place.

"Umm...uhh..." a tinge of red made its appearance on Alejandro's ears. Omg! My blank face bodyguard was blushing!

"Nothing! Nothing happened!" Valery chimed in, cursing me with her eyes.

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