Chapter Four: John's Plan

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The next day, John's head popped through the door, greeting Rachel at the counter.

"Hello John, heard about the case, good job on that!" she replied as she handed a customer a bag of scones and a coffee.

"Not like I did anything. Anyway, I was wondering if Isabella was around."

"Oh yeah, go ahead. She's upstairs, doodling away. Been staring off into space all damn day. I hope it's over a guy, she needs to start dating."

"Thanks Rache." John ignored the last comment, knowing Bella was a bit of a day dreamer but never about guys and walking up the stairs.

The second floor was Bella's flat. Like the bakery below, one wall and floor to ceiling windows.

Sitting at a table next to the windows, Isabella was in an oversized shirt, doodling like Rachel had mentioned.

She looked up, hearing John's steps climbing up the stairs.

"Hey John. I was just doing some work."

"Right. What're you doodling in that notebook of yours this time?" John asked with a knowing smile.

"Oh stop it John. Whatcha need? Did Rachel not wanna go on a date with you?" she asked teasingly as she shut her notebook discreetly

"I'm not here about that. You know I'm not dating anymore."

"Well why not John? Does Sherlock keep chasing them away? It might be because he feels threatened." She asked, knowing John would ignore her but she liked to tease.

"Well it's Sherlock's birthday this Friday and well I was wondering if you had any time to bake him a cake? It's just that I would do it, but I'm always with him and he'd know Mrs. Hudson would be baking something. I just want it to be a surprise, I don't get to see that face on him very often if ever." He asked hesitantly.

"Yes of course! I love Mr. Hudson but who would deduce that a baker would be baking a special cake." She laughed. "It's actually quite clever. Do you have any ideas?"

"Well I thought maybe it should be more murder based and not on his birthday, it's just that I think he'd be more open to it. You know how he is, I think he'd like that better."

She chuckled knowing exactly what he meant, "Yeah for sure. I've got an idea or two that I can play around with." She smiled brightly, knowing this was going to be a cake like no other.

"Oh thank you very much Bella. You're a lifesaver. We'll talk all the details later, better get back before Sherlock starts shooting the walls again." He kissed her forehead and began walking down the stairs.

"See ya John!" she called out.

Turning to a new page in her journal, she began drawing the form of the cake. Her phone vibrated from a text, she noticed it was from an unknown number.

He wanted to be a pirate when he was younger, maybe that'll give you some ideas for the cake? Hope to see you at Baker St. on Friday.


Brilliant. This will definitely be the most exciting cake I've ever gotten to make. See you there, Mycroft


She smiled at herself, not even questioning how he had her number. He was practically the British government. He probably even knew that it had been him that she was doodling in her notebook.

In his black car, Mycroft couldn't help but look forward to being around other people, only to see her again.

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