Chapter 60- Popcorn And Black Corsages

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Amanda's POV

I step into the building where the movie cinema is located, and I scan the building to find Jen and Hunter.

The entire car ride was awkward and silent, even though Austin tried to make small talk. I just ignored him and pretended he wasn't there because I would have ended up strangling him if I did start talking to him.

Jen's eyes land on me and her smile immediately falls. She quickly walks up to me and pulls me aside without saying anything, "Amanda, oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I'm such a bad friend! I can't believe I asked you to come. I'll drive you home now, I'm such an idiot," she gushes, then she points at the door.

I chuckle. "It's fine, Jen. As long as I sit away from Austin, I'll be fine." I smile and take Jen's wrist, walking back to where Austin and Hunter are standing.

"Ready, girls?" Hunter asks.

I nod, staying behind slightly to make sure that I don't sit by Austin.       

"Amanda?" he whispers, walking beside me.

I pretend not to hear, but inside I am screaming at him and punching his chest, hoping he'd get really sick and leave.

Speed walking into the cinema, I find James already sitting with Jen and Hunter. He is stuffing his face with popcorn.

I sit in between James and Jen, waiting for the movie to start. "Hello, Dolly," James whispers.

I look down at my lap and frown, realizing now that I didn't get popcorn. "Hi, James," I whisper, slightly distracted by sadness. No food? What's the point of the movie without popcorn.

What a dumb thing to say.

Ugh, whatever.

"Are you okay?" James whispers.

"Yeah, but if I get thirsty I'm stealing your drink," I state.

He laughs silently, "I'm always thirty so there might not be much left in a minute or so," he whispers to me, wiggling his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes and lean back into my seat, watching as the movie starts. I guess I'm going to have to survive without food.


"Thank you so much, A. It wouldn't have been the same if I couldn't fangirl with you at my side," Jen says, pulling me into a hug.

I nod and smile, and then Jen goes back to Hunter. I watch them for a few seconds, and my lips turn into another smile when he kisses her on the nose and she rolls her eyes.

Maybe second chances are a good idea.

"Amanda, you want to go home?" Austin asks. I look around for James, because I was planning to go home with him instead, but he's gone.

"Yeah," I say, exasperated. I walk out the building and get into Austin's car, ready to sleep all the way until school starts again.

The drive home is silent, but as I step out the car and walk up the steps to my house, Austin comes with me.

I unlock the door and turn to face Austin, wanting to know what he wants. "What?" I ask.

"Will you..." he hesitates, rubbing the back of his neck, "Um, will you come to prom with me?"

I laugh and push the door of my house open. "No. No way in hell." I may still like him but I'm not just going to forgive him.

"Wait, please-" I slam the door shit, cutting off whatever he was going to say.


Jen squeals, "Turn! Let me see the dress!"

I grin, spinning in a circle, letting my black dress swirl. "You look gorgeous!" she shouts, making me laugh. 

"You look gorgeous, too!" I say, admiring the light pink dress that Jen has on. It compliments her tanned skin really well.

Hi, skin, I like how small your pores are.

Haha, get it? Because the dress is complimenting the skin...

I shake my head, pursing my lips. I'm such an idiot sometimes.

A car horn sounds from outside and Jen sighs, grabbing her bag. "Time for prom."

I put lipgloss on my lips and take my jacket, following Jen out my house and towards Hunter and James, who are standing outside Hunter's car.

"You two look stunning," Hunter comments and James nods his head in agreement. I don't know who Austin is going with but James asked me if I wanted to go with him and I said yes. It's not like I have anything to lose. Except Austin, possibly.

We've already lost each other anyway.

I slide into the backseat, and James gets in next to me while Jen sits in the front with Hunter.

"I have something for you," James whispers, pulling put a box.

I look down at the box, smiling when I see a black corsage in the center of the box. "James, you didn't have to," I say.

"I didn't," he whispers and puts the corsage on my wrist, "Austin did." He winks and I grown, looking down at the flower.

I will just give it back to him when I see him. I don't need him to do anything for me. He can just give it to that girl he was fucking in a closet.


A/N: Ex oh ex oh, Gossip Girl. Please go follow TheKhaosNovel, I'm writing a book with another wattpad author ;)

Song: Still Got Time - Zayn

Question of the day: If someone asked you to summarize what you remember of this book, what would you say?

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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