1 | Life Sucks

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I woke up with a massive headache. Damn, it hurts. My body feels like lead and my ears are ringing. Shit, did I drink last night? How come I don't remember a thing?

Then, all of a sudden I heard ruffling of sheets. I slowly turned my head to see what or who caused that noise, and then oomph! I was pushed into the bed and felt a body on top of mine. Ugh, not again.

"Jace Langlois! Get the fuck off of me, you idiot!" I shouted at my husband.

Jace ignored me and snuggled even closer to me, much to my distaste. God, I hate this man.

"Get. Off." I said seriously.

To all of those who are confused, I'm Kei Forest. I'm 21 years old and, although I hate to admit it, I'm married. The heavy idiot who is currently on top of me is my husband, Jace Langlois. We've been married for almost a year now but I still have a hard time falling in love to this man. Why, you may ask? Let me tell you. It all happened when a lawyer told me that it's finally time for me to read my dead parents' last will a few months ago.


"Mr. Forest, here is your parents' last will. They told me to give it to you once you turned 21." The lawyer informed me.

I took the piece of paper and started reading. I got bored from the first few paragraphs because it's just the typical 'i love you's', 'i'm sorry's', and 'wish you a happy life'.

I didn't cry because I got over their deaths a long time ago. I continued reading until I got to the part where I was taken by complete surprise.

"Lastly, our dear son, even though how much we love you, we can't afford to just give your inheritance right away. We apologize but due to reasons we cannot say, it is a must to keep it from you until you turn 21. If you're reading this, then it is already time for us to give your inheritance. However, this cannot be fulfilled if you do not adhere to our simple condition. Now, don't be upset about this our dear son. It's all for your own good."

I was dumbfounded to let the last words of their will sink in. It was probably the only thing that makes me speechless.

"You must marry the only son of our longtime friend and business partner. He is just the right man for you to spend your whole life with. Do not worry. This man will find you. And if he finally does, please let him take your hand in marriage. We love you. Love, Mom & Dad."

I didn't believe it at first. However, my doubts are shattered when a man named Jace Langlois came to me in the middle of my class in university, and straight off proposed to me. Yes, I was extremely embarrased, what with all of the people in the huge room witnessing that unforgettable moment. And then, I accepted Jace Langlois' hand in marriage, just like what my parents told me to do. I got no choice because my inheritance is on the line.


Well, there you go. My life started to wreck itself when I received that last will. And worse, my parents' are not very good in choosing great life partners. Oh yeah, sure I'm happy with what happened to me but there is one little problem I detest from the very depths of my soul.

"Hey. Make me breakfast. Pronto." Jace ordered.

I gritted my teeth to prevent cursing profanities at him. See? This man right here is overbearing and idiotic as fuck. He thinks he got me wrapped around his fucking finger just because he's so damn rich. Hell, he can even beat Bill Gates if he weren't such a lazy ass. How can I fall in love to this guy when he's got the attitude of a bull? A very, very evil bull.

"So get the fuck off of me, asshole." I grumbled.

He finally got off me, but not before messing my bed hair even more. Ugh, I hate it when he does that. It's been a habit of his since we got married.

After I showered and dressed, I went straight to the kitchen. Oh, and by the way, Jace has a massive kitchen. And I mean massive. Apparently, the Langlois family is so damn rich. They got a bunch of huge companies all over Europe and America. Even now, they are planning to build up more branches in some parts of Asia, like China and Japan. I'm lucky to have a wealthy husband, if I do say so myself. Though his attitude is what angers me almost every second of the day. He treats me like I'm some lowlife servant on the very bottom of the food chain.

As usual, I cooked his favorite... omelette with caviar. How he can eat that disgusting food I could never tell. He doesn't eat anything without caviar, so as his husband, I am obligated to cook it for him. I'm still having a headache, but it's slowly fading away. Thank goodness.

"Where's my coffee?" Jace asked. Huh, so the devil finally came to eat.

I flipped the omelette and turned the stove to a minimum heat. Then I opened one of the cabinets and grabbed the jar of his favorite coffee. I turned the coffee machine on. After that, I poured a spoonful of the coffee grains and waited for it to be done.

"You know, you completely look like a caring housewife right now."

I scowled. "Shut the fuck up."

"That damn mouth of yours again. It doesn't suit you."

"You're the one to talk."

I took the omelette from the pan and put it carefully into a plate. I was about to put caviar on it when he grabbed my hand. I jolted.

"W-What now?" I asked.

He stared at me intensely but later on stopped and let go of my hand. What's with him? After that, it was so fucking quiet that you could hear a needle drop on the floor. Usually, he doesn't stay quiet like this. He just talks on and on about his business and whatnot but today seems to be different. I better be careful around him or else I'll snap a nerve. Maybe he's in a bad mood or something.

"You're going out with me tonight so you better be ready at six. Exactly six." He suddenly announced.

The fuck?

"What? But I have art class tonight!" I exclaimed.

Jace glared at me. I glared back. Who does he think he is, ordering me around and controlling my life? Despite the fact that he is my husband, he still can't tell me what to or not to do. He can never act all mighty and bossy around me. I hate him even more and more.

"Cancel it." He said casually, like my art class isn't fucking important.

I held my ground. "No. You can't be the boss of me, Jace Langlois."

He stood up and slowly made his way towards me. I flinched when he loomed over me and spouted out that menacing and dangerous aura of his.

"Oh yes, I can be. Kei Langlois." He said lowly.

I put up a serious face just to make him believe I'm not intimidated by him. I know what this man's true personality is. On the outside, people assume he's the most noble and greatest guy there is. However, what they don't know is that the real Jace Langlois is the worst kind of guy in the whole fucking planet. What he wants, he gets. That's just how he is.

"Now, are we clear?"

I got no choice but to nod. He then smiled in triumph and sat back down on his seat as if nothing happened. I sighed and finally decided to eat my breakfast anyway.

This will be my life from now on. I hate it. I won't blame my parents though. I'm just going to face this without any qualms. I sighed. Yeah right.

Truly, life sucks if you're married to a billionaire.

Life Sucks If You're Married To A BillionaireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang