Chapter 37~ Some people are just blind

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~Chip's POV~

Chip slowly started to come around when something pricked his skin. His eyes opened and he had to close them due to the light that shinned down on him. He kept them closed for a little more until he slowly reopened them, his head throbbing in a large amount of pain. He let out a groan and tried to move one of his arms but he could only move it a little before something stopped him. He slowly looked down at his hand and the machine that was keeping track of his heart rate quickly picked up speed drawing in someone's attention. "He's awake!" They yelled as Chip was lost in the metal handcuff that kept him locked to the bed.

He went to sit forehead but a ball of pain shot through his shoulder making him cry out and grab at it with his free hand. He clenched his teeth to keep from crying out. Hands were quickly pushing him back down against the bed and Chip couldn't fight them back with the strength they were putting on him.

"Check his blood." A voice said and Chip just shifted, sweat pouring from his forehead.

What is going on? Where am I?

He felt some gloves grab at his left eye and force it open, a tiny spot of light being shinned in. He tried to blink or close his eye but whoever it was kept it open. They then moved to his other eye and shinned the light in, and he tried once again to close it but it didn't work. After shining the light in it, they let go and he pulled away, blinking hard.

"Get the syringe." A voice said and Chip froze in place. Oh heck no.

He looked up to see what looked like a nurse coming towards him and he cursed, pulling on the cuff. Heads soon were on him again and he could only watch as the needle was pressed into his skin.

~Skyler's POV~

*Flash Back*

"Tell them." He said, his voice shaky.

"Tell them what?" I said looking back at the bright flashlights.

"That I'm innocent." He hissed back.

That made me fight to hold back a laugh. He really thought he was innocent? Really?

"Chip, you're going mad, just set the gun down." I said.

The officer yelled again. "Put the gun down, you surrounded."

That was when it hit me, this wasn't about taking us, Chip was trying to tell us something and I think I know what he meant.

"This is about your mom, isn't it?" I said it loud so that maybe the officers could hear, maybe this was what Chip was trying to solve.

Chip didn't answers, instead, he loosed his grip and with one push, he pushed me to the side and my body slammed against the ground. Just as I turned my head, I saw Chip's figure point the gun toward the police and I screamed out as gun shoots filled the house. My mouth hung open as I watched the sliver gun fell from Chip's grip, he stood there for a second before he fell backward, his body making a loud thump as it connected with the floor. I covered my mouth as I tried to pull away as far as I could from him. Two holes were now in his body, one right in his left shoulder and the other to the side of his chest. His shirt starting to become wet with blood. I don't know what overcome me but I started crying. I don't know if it was because I was happy because I was finally free or because of Chip. Officers started hurrying into the room. Four running over to Chip who I thought for sure was dead, will some came rushing over to me.

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