49. Dr.Kapoor..

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I blinked.

This wasn't going as well as I had thought it would...

He took another sip from the tea I had made for him, or so he thinks, but actually made by amma, as I was nothing but a dead body now, unable to move or process things.

But all I could process was one thing..

He wants this marriage..

My parents want this marriage..

And I don't..

All I wanted was to escape from this world...

Go away somewhere...

"So uncle.. What should I tell mom and Dad? They are expecting a reply.." He said, and the room went silent.. While I felt three pair of eyes focused on me..

I stood dumbfounded... I couldn't believe this was really happening...

"We. Need. To. Talk." I said him. Gulping down as I said those words, he needs yo know.

"Okay.. Where to?" He asked, confusion clear in his voice, though I could sense the little bit of happiness in it.

"I think the garden would be.." My mom started just for me to cut her off..

"My room.." I said, as I nodded at him to get up and follow me.

Before turning onto the stairs, I looked back at my parents.. They looked.... Terrified.. I gave them an assuring nod before following him up the stairs.

As he took his first step onto my room, he caught hold of our picture that still adorned the ceiling.

He turned back and gave me a look, with his eyebrow tips joining at the centre of his temple.

Boy, this was going to be harder than I thought...

"Isn't he that guy that were there with you? The police officer??" He asked, as he read my expression. I found it difficult to look him in his eyes.

"Yes. He is.. Inspector Ram Charan I P.S." I said, suppressing the stutter that came every time I tried to say his name.

"We were about to be engaged.. Before things went... Tragic.." I managed to spill out.

His mouth framed an 'o' as if he was suddenly hit by the reality.

"Is he.. I'm.. I'm sorry for your lose.." He said looking sympathetically at me...


"No.. Nonono.. He is not dead yet... Our family's decided not to marry us off, it was cancelled.." I said, getting frustrated.. The thought of him dead infuriated me.

"Okay.. But what happened? Like.. Were you two.." He asked, unable to finish his question. But his sudden sad face was easy enough for me to guess what he was about to say. And I answered.

"Yes. We were in love.. But.. Now..." I didn't what to say? Half of me felt stupid to tell this to him..

"It happened a month and a half ago, the day we met.. And falling in love with him was pretty easy, and quick... But it lived only till the last few weeks. His profession stops him from marrying me. Not now. Not ever." I said, blinking faster to stop the tears from falling out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry.. But do you still..??" He asked... Trailing it off in the middle just like his other questions..

"Yes.. But he asked me to move on.. To not wait for him.. There is no hope.. And both are parents are confident this is the right way.." It was easy to talk him.

From being arranged to love!!! #An Indian Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now