Chapter 13

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"Um I think I have to leave," I said awkwardly backing away. Ryot's dad took one step towards me and I held my hand out. "No, no I know the way out."

"Aeron, please," he said walking closer.

I shook my head and he stopped. I was near the door when the lock locked itself. Niko came down carefully, with a little remote in his hand. He shoved it in his pocket and reached out for me.

I moved out of his reach, but he lunged and grabbed me. We wrestled on the floor for a bit until I was forced to take a cheap shot. He groaned in pain and cupped himself. I was almost free from our tangled mess until he yanked my foot from under me. He sat on my legs trying to stop my fist from making contact with his face. In the end he took a cheap shot to my chest. Well that finally got me to stop.

"Dirty shot," Tanner said in the corner with his arms crossed.

"Who started it again? Oh that's right she was," he snapped back.

"What?! You attacked me first. I was only trying to leave."

Niko shook his head finally letting me up, but he dragged me to a room. Tanner followed behind and all I could think of is wow I'm so screwed. I knew I was, because this room was down in the basement. I put my heel down to stop, but he kept on.

"Aeron, relax," Tanner said calmly.

"My dad use to say that to his friends. He use to have me play with our guest before things went down too. Is that what this really is? Just a game? Was Niko just a ploy to get to me?"

I was going to say something else, but he pulled me back. He held me against the wall by my shoulder, looking a little red in the face. I knew it wasn't that hard to get under people's skin, but I didn't think that would've worked so easily.

"Do not compare me to that man," he said lowly. "I'm not using anyone here. This isn't the type of game you think it is."

He pushed me back into Niko and we kept going down the hall. Niko had the expression that said I should've just kept quiet and cooperated. Well maybe if nobody attacked or dragged me maybe I would. I'm not a child I know how to follow orders.

Finally we arrived in this little room with a grey couch pressed against the wall and that was it. It was completely empty and a bright pure white. Too bright to the point it hurt my eyes. I couldn't even look up at them for a long time without getting a headache. The couch was the only thing I could look at.

The door closed and Niko pulled a chair up in front of me. "This wasn't supposed to go like this, but shit happens. We're not kidnapping you or anything this room just allows me to talk to you privately. It is soundproof which doesn't help our case but it's only for your safety. It was originally made as a safe room from anything. But it's modified so that no incoming calls can come in and that nobody hacks anything in here. So now that you know, we just want to talk."

He sat there waiting for my okay, but he wasn't getting one. His sarcastic tone was starting to confuse me. So he huffed and continued talking. He pulled my phone out of his pocket and opened it up. I'm not even sure how he got that, but I also have his keys so I guess we're even.

"This little sticker is my tracker. That's how I find you and I'd appreciate it if you don't take that out... Now that I've wasted a little time, let me explain to you how this is going to go. You cooperate because he doesn't like disobedience. Let him bring up the topic of the program and Ryot and Jess. And do not compare him to your father. Got it?" I only looked up at him. "Good. Now give me my keys back."

I pulled his keys out of my bra and handed them over. He was trying so hard to keep a straight face, but I could see the annoyance in his eyes.

This Should Be Fun pt. IIWhere stories live. Discover now