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Tobias' POV

I watched as he readjusted his backpack on his shoulder and ran his fingers through his hair. I've never seen the kid before, then again I only really talk to a couple people.

"I'm— I'm so sorry. I should've watched where I was going."

"It's fine." I gave him a slight smile to show there was no harm done before I walked in the room. Everyone turned to us as we walked in. My palms started to get sweaty because in the corner of my eye, I could see Michelle looking at me.

As I scanned the back of the room, there was only about four seats left. I made my way to the back and sat down. Seconds later I saw the guy who bumped into me outside, sit in the desk right beside me. I looked over at him and saw he had a navy blue t-shirt crewneck and black blue jeans on. He looked at me as shock appeared on his face.

"I'm sorry, did you not want me to sit near you? I just thought since there were barley any chairs left that-"

"It's fine." I said with a small laugh. I've talked to this kid for less than a minute and he's already apologized twice. It was a bit amusing. I sat back and watched as people got up from their seats to throw out their breakfast. Our home room teacher came in and gave each person all the papers we needed to have fill out, our schedule, and our agenda book they always gave us; which I always ended us losing.

My attention was then focused on Michelle and that guy, once I put my papers that I didn't need; away in my bag. Seeing the corner of her eyes squint whenever she smiled made me miss the feeling of making her do so. My mind kept telling my heart to not think about those times anymore since they weren't doing any good. She moved on, way before the relationship even ended; I should be able to move on now since it has.

I checked the time and realized I had five minutes to sit here before the bell released us to our classes. I checked my schedule and saw I had AP calculus first. It was a hard class I was actually good at and understood. After looking at the rest of my schedule, I was actually pretty happy with the order. Nothing was too far from the next and I had teachers I already knew.

Hopefully I like the people in my class, as much as the order of my schedule.

I looked around the room and my eyes suddenly went to the boy next to me. He was leaned over on the desk, drawing. From what I saw, the drawing looked like a sunflower, a very detailed sunflower. It looked really realistic and neat. I complimented him on his work as he kept stretching on his paper.. He didn't answer back but I'm guessing it was because he was concentrated on his drawing. So I watched as he continued to add his finishing touches.

"I'm sorry, what'd you say before? I didn't really hear you."

I laughed at his comment, realizing he had apologized again for something that wasn't a big deal. He furrowed his eyebrows as he watched me laugh.

"You know, you say sorry a lot right?"

"Sorry?" He said hesitantly.

"You were concentrated, that's all."

"Oh" he said still looking confused. He looked down at his drawing and began shading his drawing in. The drawing was clearly focused on one sunflower in the maze of what looked like a whole field of them.

"And just so you know." I said, gaining his attention again. He looked up at me with his brown eyes as I went over his drawing, "you're a really good artist. I'm Tobias"

And right as I introduced myself, the bell rang causing everyone to stand up. I collected all my stuff and grabbed my bag from between my feet. I stood up and started to make my way out the room, before someone called me. I turned at the sound of my name, knowing the voice all to well to not just keep walking. It was Michelle. I watched as the guy she was with, walked by me with a smug look on his face, almost like as if he was mocking me because he got my girl. Ex girl.

I stood there waiting for her to say something because God knows I have nothing nice to say to her right now. She started playing with her fingers, I scoffed once I realized she wasn't speaking and then began turning around again until she grabbed my arm back.

"What Michelle?" I instinctively shouted.

Saying her name out loud was heartbreaking for me. I tried avoiding that name all summer and made it my mission to ignore her all school year. Guess that plan is going downhill.

"I just... Wanted to tell you," I watched as she moved her beautiful long brown hair to one side of her shoulder, it was something she knew I loved she did. She's manipulating me right now and I'm not falling for it.... "I wanted to say that I'm sorry... And that hopefully we can put everything aside."

Everything aside? I don't know whether to laugh in her face or just walk away. Its amazing to me how she thinks I can just forget the two years of my life she gave me, or the heartbreak she made me go through because she decided it was a good idea to cheat on me. Or how I have to see her walk around school with the same guy she slept around with behind my back; and she just wants me to put it all aside?

I let out a chuckle and backed away, "Sure, whatever you want. Princess."

Maybe this is a sign. Or it's the universe testing me to see if I'll give in to her manipulating ways again. I know I won't because as she walked around me to the leave the classroom, I didn't feel an ounce of sorrow for her.

I rubbed my eyes and kept replaying everything that just happened. I was hoping that when she called me, it was to apologize and maybe just maybe, I wanted to hear her tell me she wanted to start over with us again.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked at the boy who apologizes a lot more than he needs to. He looked confused. I thinking I'm going to just call him Sorry, since that's the only thing he seems to say.

"Are uh... You okay?"

His voice sounded fragile, almost as if he was scared to ask me how I was feeling. Maybe he should be scared because, I'm in no mood to tell a stranger how torn up I feel.


Picture of Ethan on top! He's so adorable

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