Diachi's Request

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          When they got back to school it was late at night. ¨See you later Lakiin!¨ Yiachi called as they all went back to their rooms, except for Lakiin who seemed to climb one of the walls and sneak into one of the girl rooms. ¨10 bucks that they don't see him until tomorrow morning and wake everyone up with a scream.¨ Banshi said watching him close the window slowly. ¨Your on, I bet they'll find him tonight and kick him through the window!¨ Skorge replied. ¨I think they'll let him stay.¨ Yiachi said staring at the window. ¨I'll bet 20 bucks that he will sneak into our room tonight.¨ Haiwato countered. ¨So winner gets $50. Man this should be interesting.¨ Banshi said.

          They watched the window for 30 minutes in silence. ¨Well it looks like Skorge is out.¨ Yiachi said poking him. ¨Where is his room anyways?¨Skorge asked. ¨Rooms 231, people don't go in there. There's rumors that he set up a bunch of bad traps.¨ Haiwato explained. ¨We should totally spend the night there tomorrow.¨ Skorge replied. ¨Nah, I don't want to see the kid wet himself.¨ Banshi said. ¨Hehe, She totally nailed you.¨ Yiachi said putting an arm around Skorge. ¨I really hate you sometimes.¨ Skorge said rolling his eyes.  ¨Funny, that's what every girl says about you.¨ Yiachi said jabbing him in the side.

          ¨Hey guys, how about we all go to the lunch area.¨ Haiwato asked. ¨I could go for some food.¨ Yiachi said. ¨You're always hungry!¨ Skorge replied. ¨I think we should all be hungry after all, we have not eaten since breakfast.¨ Banshi pointed out. ¨He still is always hungry.¨Skorge said shrugging. ¨Feed me!¨ Yiachi yelled. ¨Shut up!¨ A random kid yelled as a brick hit Yiachi in the face. ¨I'm sorry disembodied voice!¨ Yiachi yelled back. Banshi grabbed Yiachi and pulled him along by the ear. The walked to the lunchroom with Yiachi saying 'Ear!' the whole way there. 

          When they got there Banshi let go of Yiachi's ear and sat down at a table. ¨Yo Chuck, can we get a round of burgers and fries!¨ Haiwato called into the kitchen. ¨You will have to wait for it to be cooked!¨ a man with a jamaican accent called back. ¨Can do Boado!¨ Banshi replied turning back to face the others. ¨Well, todays been an interesting day. We had the tournament, we went on a mission and finally we watched Yiachi crush a bitch. Now here we all are getting ready to eat some burgers.¨ Haiwato said with a laugh. ¨Man a normal person would hear that and call us as crazy as we call Lakiin.¨ Skorge said with a laugh.

          As the food arrived they fell silent and began to eat. ¨So what should we do after this?¨ Haiwato asked. ¨We go back to our room and get some rest!¨ Skorge said swallowing a bite of his burger. ¨Hold on Yiachis missing.¨ Haiwato pointed out. ¨He probably went back without us. ¨No, something isn't right, Yiachi doesn't like to be alone!¨ Skorge said as he ran outside. The others caught up as Banshi gripped his shoulder tightly. ¨Look hes probably back at the room, lets go check for him there!¨ Haiwato offered. Skorge nodded and they all ran back to the room.

          When they got back to the dorm room they found Yiachi and Diachi both sitting on the floor in the room. ¨I see you three have finally made it.¨ Diachi said as a scream went off across the school. ¨Sounds like i won that bet.¨ Skorge said as Haiwato and Banshi paid him the money. ¨So what brings you here?¨ Haiwato asked Diachi. I'm going on one final mission but i need the best support I can get and only those I would trust with my life are being asked to join me. You four are the only ones I am going to ask.¨ Diachi said. ¨Whoa, you sound serious here buddy what's going on?¨ Banshi asked.

          ¨I've done some looking around in my father's office, which would be the principle, and i found some papers. As it turns out my father made this school to raise an army instead of train warriors. Not a big surprise it's a pretty common ordeal with these kinds of things. However i noticed that he's running this school on Nuclear energy. He's raising an army so that he can attack the government and the army and control the nation. If he does this the entire nation will enter a state of chaos. As it turns out Kugo found out about his plan and has been helping him corrupt the people in this school. After learning all this I cannot allow for my father to continue with his plans.¨ Diachi explained.

          ¨That hits pretty hard. I practically grew up here and now i'm hearing this. It's hard to believe.¨ Haiwato said. ¨I knew there was something off about that man.¨ Skorge said. ¨Diachi, what is it you're asking us to do? We're all here to help.¨ Banshi said. ¨It is not easy for me to say this but i'm asking you to help me on a suicide mission. I want you four to help me attack and destroy the school. We are to kill 'every' person who lives here. Our main targets will be Zeisumie, Kugo, and finally Iceer. This will be a mission of mass murder and worst of all merciless killing no lives are to be spared.¨ Diachi said. ¨Well this got dark real fast but we'll help you!¨ Yiachi said with a determined grin. ¨We will start our attack at 7 in the morning tomorrow. Make sure you wake up in time.¨ Diachi said before hopping out of the window and running off.

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