Chapter 4 -- Thrree

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The elevator shifted upwards, ascending along it's fixed track system, my stomach slightly pressed downwards at the sudden shift. A white digital light beamed above me revealing to me that the level numbers were changing slowly but surely, gradually growing larger in the numerical value. I leaned against the elevator wall to feel a sleek surface grace my fingertips. I curiously ran my fingers along the smooth surface before I turned around to see a pristine mirror reflecting myself. No smudges or scrapes interrupted the graceful crystal-like quality of it. Except for the two greasy finger lines I had left behind by rubbing them against it. Embarrassed, I pulled on my hoodie to wipe it.

My attention then returned to the reflection once I finished with my wiping antics. My blonde hair was matted down against my head, trickling with little beads of water from the rain outside. All of the droplets plopped down onto the floor to mix with the watermarks of my shoes once I plopped into the elevator. I ran my fingers through the soggy strands of hair to hopefully fix it so I didn't look too ridiculous. I then trailed my hand down my face until I reached my somewhat defined jaw, rubbing along my clean shaven face to feel the small prickly hairs trying to protrude out again. I didn't mind the freshness of my face but I always did enjoy some facial hair from time to time. Anything to mask my self-consciousness of my face.

I shook my head and turned around to face the elevator door again, trying not to make it a personal critique of how I look. Knowing all of the negative aspects I'd point out that others would think were absurd.

Looking deeply into the warped stainless steel of the door, I could feel myself fold inwards and examine the expressive heartbeats that riveted my entire chest cavity. Each pump of blood feeling overwhelmingly heavy with anxiety of what I was going to be expecting at the top of the elevator ride. The beats hammered away so heavily that they carried within the canals of my ears with the daunting "boom-ba" of each beat.

The elevator came to a gradual stop at the wrong floor, and soon after the doors slid open. A woman was waiting on the other side, patiently waiting for her ride to show up. She made a graceful stride into the claustrophobic box, taking up a spot right next to me. Her shoes suddenly squeaked out as she came closer to my area. She looked down to see, I'm certain to her dismay, blurbs of moisture wiped amongst the polished floor. She huffed, frustrated, not acknowledging it was obviously me who did it.

The woman gave off some sort of elegancy that she was a strong and independent force to not be reckoned with. And instantly I felt uncomfortable at her business-like radiance. As if I couldn't get anymore nervous.

She had light brown hair with some grey strands precariously peppered within. Lines of age barely creased into her face, giving off that she was most likely in her late forties. In her hand held a grey manila folder with a name on the white labeling sticker, in which the person in questions' first name was covered by her hand. The last name, however, revealed to be 'Toxi'.

It seemed like a familiar name I heard once before... but I couldn't put my finger on it. Not anymore than the woman could have her's on the first name.

The doors closed and continued the elevator upwards to our destination, noting that she didn't add a room to the button set. She must be going to the same floor as me.

"So, where are you going" the woman said, breaking the silence between us. She kept her focus forward at the door. I could see her eyes look from the button layout and back to the door, to probably reaffirm that it was worthy enough of a question, considering I was going to the top level of the skyscraper.

"I was requested to see Zoe Amber for no particular reason I was made aware of". The words awkwardly felt weighted knowing that it wasn't everyday someone, especially the likes of a citizen from the city, was called to personally see Zoe. So the words felt weird to speak, let alone hear. I was on my way to the Zyto building for our final trials when...

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