Chapter 14: Hunters and Hunting

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"Can I look yet?"


"...Can I look now?"

"No Zar, pack it in. I'm supposed to be the annoying one; wait a moment." I'd done a fab job of shuffling her into a long black Top-Shop dress, I'd supposedly borrowed from a 'friend'. She'd never know the two hours of painstaking chanting (and cursing) that had happened prior to her wearing it. Less easy, was pretending to do her makeup. I'd enchanted several of Mum's make-up brushes, which happily glided across Zara's face, leaving a flawless finish behind. And after soaking my hands in the potion Gladys and I'd cooked-up, I squeezed Zara's dark locks tightly and watched as hair twisted and turned it into a magnificent knot, complete with tendrils. All this was done with her eyes closed, and my unremitting fear that she'd cheat and peak. The only thing stopping the guilt from this elaborate deception was the knowledge Zara would be amazed at the results.

I was already rigged out in a vastly updated old New Look skirt and now sparkly vest-top, which looked quite frankly 'magic'. But it was nothing on Zara's makeover.

"I'll just add some spray for luck, I mean hold." Additional Eau d' Butterfly (my name for the potion) successfully applied; we were done.

Zara sniffed. "That's nice, but, what's that smell?"

I coughed awkwardly. "Scented hairspray. Ok. Now."

Zara's lids shot open and she gasped, tears sprang to her eyes.

I wafted my hands in her face. "Don't cry! You'll spoil the effect." Another lie, magic makeup appeared to be waterproof.

"Minta this is amazing, I've never looked so... so... glam, I don't know; maybe even pretty."

And she did. But all I'd done was tidy up the mad-professor mess that was Zara and revealed the dazzling diva underneath.

"It's all you, Zar," was all I said as I unwrapped a pair of Mum's old strappy shoes, now bran-spanking new, and Jimmy Chooed.

"Thank you," she whispered. Her eyes never left the mirror. "You don't know what this means to me."

But I did. I could feel it.


Extremely sparkly and bubbling inside, we arrived stupidly early, yet it seemed for once so had everyone else.

So much for establishing Zara comfortably before the crowds.

Loud, crowed and hot, Hunters shimmered in red, silver and gold, tastefully decorated if slightly over done. It was a classy place; only extending it's welcome to students a few times a year.

"You ready to face the music and dance?" I squeezed her hand as we passed our coats over to the guy behind the desk. He looked Zara up and down and smiled, slyly, his eyes resting on her slightly too low neckline. Hump. Maybe I'd change that later.

Zara took it in her stride, as if she was used to men ogling her. After a curt throwaway glance, she pulled me round; turning expertly in her new heels. "Yes, are you?"

"Don't think people will be taking much notice of me Zar."

And I was right.

Every person, not just guy's, that we walked passed, stopped in their tracks, called to attention by Zara's presence. I didn't know if my butterfly concoction was giving her extra confidence, or whether feeling fab made her able to carry it off, but Zara was in charge of herself, one hundred percent.

"My favourite ladies." Pete walked over and hugged both Zara and I.

"Pete! We've got hair, you know," I said, wrestling myself free.

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