Chapter 10: A Challenge From Who!?

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Hi! *dodges table* Well someone's not happy! Ahaha ha (awkward laugh). So it's been a while hasn't it? So I've kind of been hiding from life! You know watching anime and fangirling over anime the usually things I do during my hibernation. (Summer). I'm really sorry I haven't been updating I had writers block. I couldn't get the characters personalities right, and the drafts were all over the place! But I'm here now so that counts for something right! *dodges chair* Hey it matches the table!

Madi POV

"Huh? You mean, there are no afternoon classes today?" Haruhi asked the two girls. Geez..she's always worried about our classes!
"Oh, you didn't know? For these two days, today and tomorrow, the whole school is holding an exposition for the cultural clubs. Drama clubs and coral clubs from other schools have been invited. It's an annual big event that we hold." The girl with short black hair replied.

"Is that right?" Haruhi looked at me and I just shrugged. Hey I can only be smart for a certain amount of time right now I'm pooped! I walked over to Tamaki and the twins hoping for some peace and quiet. I know stupid right!

"Eh? You've never had any?" The twins yelled right as I walked up to Renge. "It's the preferred drink among the whole Host Club right now." Ehh? We have a special drink. I pulled on Hikaru's blazer. He ignored me. "If you call yourself a manager then you have to drink it." Kaoru finished. Renge started to rub her cheek with a cloth and looked nervous. I pulled on her dress. She looked down but ignored me. I pouted and continued to listen to the conversation.

"I-I've heard of instant coffee before. Ah, it's that one, item, right?" I just laughed. Instant coffee is our preferred drink! Yeh right! I don't know about them but the Mango and Strawberry sunrise smoothie is my preferred drink! "You know, the stuff where you buy the beans that are already ground?" Renge continued.

"Buzzzzzt!" The twins yelled and crossed their arms. "That's completely different. Instant coffee doesn't have the slightest trace of the bean remaining. You just mix the powder with hot water, and then drink it like that. You see, it's coffee, and yet there is absolutely no robustness to it. Still, it's strangely satisfying." The twins explained to Renge with flowers appearing around them. "Come to mention it, the club's stock has run out." The twins walked over to Haruhi and put their hands on her shoulders. "Haruhi go buy some." She asked why she had to. "Well, you're the only one who knows where they sell it. We've been serving it to the guests lately. It's your job, it's your job." They cleaned her hair and shoes.

"The cultural clubs' exposition is about to start, right?" Haruhi said. They started to brush off her blazer. I sweat dropped, they are such drama queens.

"It's free participation, so if you're not interested, you don't have to go." The twins carried her to the door. "With that being said come back safely!" They waved goodbye. I walked over to the twins and kicked Hikaru's shin.

"Owwwieee!" He jumped up and held his foot. "Maid-chan what was that for?" I pouted and crossed my arms.

"I tried to get your attention but you guys ignored me!" I stuck out my tongue and turned to Haruhi. "Haru-chan I'll go with you!" She smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

"Thanks Madi-chan that will make it a lot more enjoyable!" She laughed as I decided to kick Hikaru again.

"Ow what was that one for!" I just smiled and looked at him innocently.

"Renge-chan also ignored me, but since I can't kick her without snakes coming from her hair, I'm kicking you instead! Thanks for taking one for the team Hika-chan!" I laughed and hugged him. He hugged back.

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