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Anne's POV

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I stutter, my eyes wide. Good idea Anne, denial is the best way to go.

Hunter chuckles and moves closer towards me, trapping me in place. His hands are wrapped around my wrists and he is pressing them against the wall.

He leans foward and bites my lip and I shut my eyes, my breath hitching and my heart racing. "Princess, you know exactly what I am talking about," he whispers into my ear, his lips brush against my skin and I let out a light sigh.

I'm sorry, I can't help it. He is my crush, he is the one that I have liked for six years, I can't control my feelings for him.

He moves has face back and looks into my eyes, "You're mine now," he states with a smirk.

I frown, "What?" I ask in a barely audible whisper.

"Well, you kind of dropped your shoes on my head," he chuckles slightly. "And so, as you heard me saying, you have to do whatever I want for the next three weeks."

Hunter grabs my thighs and lifts me up, making me squeal and wrap my legs around his waist. He presses me back against the wall and I wrap my arms around his neck for support. "And by whatever I want, I mean whatever I want," he presses even closer to me and bites my neck making me moan.

I quickly shake my head. "No, I can't."

Hunter raises his eyebrows. "Come on, princess. Just three weeks. If you do it, I'll give you one thing you really want. Tell me what you really want."

I purse my lips and frown, "Isn't that kind of prostitution?"

Hunter chuckles. "Well no, since I think you're way too innocent for me to break, I won't go that far. I won't make you do that kind of stuff, I'll just get you to do things like make my bed and shit like that," he explains and pulls my body up again because I've started to slip. I let out a little squeal when he pulls me up and he just chuckles.

I roll my eyes. "No. I'm not doing it." Ha, what are you going to do Hunter?

"Fine, then I guess you won't get you shoes back," Hunter says and puts me back down on the ground.

He walks towards my door and then turns around, "And to think, I was going to take you to Disneyland," he states and then walks out my door, shutting it behind him.


"Hunter, wait, come back!" I shout, my eyes wide.

I have wanted to go to Disneyland since I was three years old because that is when I watched Lilo and Stitch for the first time. It was my favorite movie ever and I was dying to go to Disney to meet Stitch. I never had the chance to go because my mom couldn't afford it and my dad is an asshole that spends his money on his girlfriend who is half his age.

I would literally kill to go to Disneyland...

"Yeah?" Hunter pops his head through the door, a irritating smirk plastered on his face.

"I-I'll do it," I stutter, looking down and playing with my fingers. Hunter's smirk grows. "That's what I thought, princess," he says with a wink, walking back into my room, shutting the door behind him.

"But there has to be boundaries," I state.

Hunter starts walking towards me, "Yeah, like what?" I slowly start walking backwards.

"Uh, like no sex. No forcing me to do things irrational that I haven't thought about right now because I am probably not thinking this through properly. Oh, and I'm not doing the dishes," I say with a frown.

Hunter laughs, still slowly walking towards me. "Okay, I get the first two, but why no dishes?" he asks, scrunching his eyebrows.

"Because its gross. I hate washing dishes." I state.

My back hits the wall and I start panicking, "Okay princess, it looks like we have a deal," he says and walks up to me, putting his hand lightly against my cheek.

I nod and watch as Hunter drops my shoes to my bedroom floor. "You're mine," he whispers and then he crashes his lips against mine.

Hunter is kissing me!


I love you all <3 remember to vote and comment xxx

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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