Chapter 33

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The next morning Riley drove April to school, and as she dropped her off, that gut feeling was still nagging at her. It had bothered her all night, not letting her sleep.

Is he the guy? she kept asking herself.

Before April got out of the car, she turned to her with an expression of genuine concern.

"Mom, what's wrong?" she asked.

Riley was a little taken aback by the question. She and her daughter seemed to have entered into a whole new phase of their relationship—a much better one than they'd had before. Still, Riley wasn't used to having April worry about her feelings. It felt good, but strange.

"It shows, huh?" Riley said.

"It sure does," April said. She gently held her mother's hand. "Come on. Tell me."

Riley thought for a moment. That feeling of hers still wasn't easy to put into words.

"I..." she began, then trailed off, unsure what to say. "I'm not sure I arrested the right man."

April's eyes widened.

"I'm...not sure what to do," Riley added.

April took a long breath.

"Don't doubt yourself, Mom," April replied. "You do it a lot. And you always wish you hadn't. Isn't that what you always tell me, too?"

April smiled, and Riley smiled back.

"I'll be late if I don't get to class," April said. "We can talk about this later."

April kissed Riley on the cheek, got out of the car, and dashed toward school.

Riley sat there, thinking. She didn't drive away immediately. Instead, she called Bill.

"Anything?" she asked when she got him on the line.

She heard Bill heave a long sigh.

"Cosgrove is a strange character," he said. "Right now he's a real mess—exhausted and depressed, and crying a lot. I think he'll probably crack soon. But ..."

Bill paused. Riley sensed that he, too, was struggling with doubt.

"But what?" Riley asked.

"I don't know, Riley. He seems so disoriented, and I'm not sure even knows what's going on. He slips in and out of reality. Sometimes he doesn't seem to understand that he's been arrested. Maybe all those meds he's taking are messing him up. Or maybe it's just plain old psychosis."

Riley's own doubts kicked in again.

"What is he telling you?" she asked.

"Mostly, he just keeps asking for his dolls," Bill said. "He's worried about them, like they're children or pets that he shouldn't leave at home alone. He keeps saying they can't do without him. He's completely docile, not the least bit belligerent. But he's not giving us any information. He's not saying anything about the women, or whether he's holding one right now."

Riley turned Bill's words over in her mind for a moment.

"So what do you think?" she finally asked. "Is he the one?"

Riley detected growing frustration in Bill's voice.

"How could he not be? I mean, everything points to him and nobody else. The dolls, the criminal record, everything. He was in the store the same time as her. What more could you ask for? How could we have got it wrong?"

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