47. Sherry Trifle

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Don't be sad, don't be hurt, don't be afraid. Let's be happy. Everything will be alright. You'll be okay. Those are the words a broken heart needs, to mend itself... The words a broken person needs to hear. On repeat, like a tape recorder stuck on loop. Repeated until it's engraved in their minds. Until the lines of reality and fiction blurs and all that is left are those words.

They work wonders, you know.

If not by making them materialize into the real world as truth, then by using them to console themselves and fill the tiny wounds, mustering up the courage to face the day ahead.

Those were the words I yearned to say to Bella. It was funny how things changed. I had the same thought a million times before, yet each time it didn't leave me feeling less astonished. A foe to a friend. Unbeknownst to us, both of us were so entangled into each other's life that it was bewildering to think that it hadn't been even been two weeks since we were introduced to each other. Before she had been hell bent on ruining mine, and now I was equally determined to straighten hers out.

Maybe the foreign air was to blame.

I swept my eyes over the bustling life around me, walking, without a rash, with a sulking Brandon beside me.

The street was filled with the spring air. The previous windy weather replaced by a pleasant breeze. It looked like a temporary vegetable and fruit market, and I eyed the fresh variety on our way.

An old pair of couple went by us, the wife, leading the way, and her husband, walking behind her, carrying the shopping bags, and sulking. The stark similarity between our situation was so eerie that when I met the said woman's eyes, we did a double take, eyeing each other's respective partners.

For a second our eyes burned with amusement, and then she cracked open a toothy grin, winking at me. Unable to control myself, I laughed out loud, linking my arm in Brandon's arms.

Brandon perked up, slowing down to a stroll. "You're not angry anymore?"

This was all the comic relief I needed, and I shook my head. "No, I'm not."

"This is not a trap, is it?"

"It's not! Why do you think girls always ask trick questions? Do we?"

"Uh... " Brandon stalled, quite taken aback. He scratched his head. "If I say no, are you going to assume we think you are not capable of that?"

"Of course!" I replied without batting an eye.

"And if I say yes, are you going to say that you don't?"


Brandon coughed. "I see..."

"What do you see?"

"I see the hotel!" he shouted, removing my arm from his arms, and taking my hand, steering me towards the gigantic building as the market ended.

The mass of media that had littered the streets like it was a dumpster was relatively empty. I saw a few reporters enjoying a cup of coffee from the around the corner café and a few loitering on the streets, snooping around for something useful.

Brandon and I darted across the busy street, avoiding any eyes or curious glances. We could have taken a taxi, but the walk had been short and I wanted the space to think and collect my thoughts. Inside the hotel, we avoided returning to our room. As long as we were on our feet, moving and doing something, no matter  how trivial, it helped in keeping focus. Because right now, our goal was getting in touch with Bella and Giulia and ensuring their safety.

But where were they?

"I checked the flight logs. There's no flight leaving for France till tomorrow," Brandon said, "so it's safe to assume they are in Singapore."

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