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She wanted to scream.

She knew in the back of her mind, she couldn't. Lawrence had taught her profusely that in instances such as this one, the best way to get away with it was to stay quiet.

She wanted to tell them everything.

She knew in the back of her mind, she couldn't. She knew somehow, someway, the others would find out. They always did. They always would.

Lawrence's voice rung in the back of her head consistently since she had been placed in the room. You tell them nothing. You know what you've been trained to do. If you do speak, you throw them off our trail. You tell them nothing about yourself, us, or the Horsemen team. You hear me?

She heard him every time she closed her eyes.

The team of six watched Quinn Carson from behind the two way mirror. Aaron Hotchner stood tall, watching for any tells to inform him about the girl in the chair. Because as for information on the Carson girl, they had nothing.

"How could she be involved with psychos like Joseph Lawrence?" Derek Morgan asked, staring at the girl in disbelief. "She looks harmless."

"That's the thing," Jennifer Jareau spoke up, blonde hair falling in front of her face as she shook her head. "We don't know. We have zero information on her other than her birth certificate and her name."

"Have Garcia get everything in her power about the Four Horsemen and anything else about Quinn Carson. If there's a fact out there, I want to know it," Hotch ordered, looking in Morgan's direction. Morgan replied with a nod, pulling his phone out of his pocket and leaving the room to call Penelope Garcia.

David Rossi put his finger to his chin and took his gaze away from the girl in the room. "I'm guessing she was kidnapped. That's the thing that makes the most sense to me. She's on her own, has no family to turn to. The three men take her, force her to be apart of the team."

"She could have gone willingly," Alex Blake reasoned. "They offer her a job, she takes it without knowing what she's getting herself into. It becomes a bit like Stockholm Syndrome, but instead of falling in love with her captor, she falls in love with her work."

"That is a possibility," Spencer Reid agreed, speaking up for the first time. "The Four Horsemen are all known to have separate abilities that interconnect with the team. Maybe they saw something in her and wanted her to work with them."

Hotch nodded. "We won't know until we get her to speak to us."

Spencer watched as she remained still in the chair, eyes staring straight ahead. Not once had she looked in the direction of the mirror, like many who had been in the room before her. This sparked one thing in his mind.

She had been trained for this situation.

Had the Horsemen known they were coming? Was this a set up? Did they give them Quinn to make them believe they were getting somewhere?

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