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The Council House hummed with the anxious chatter of hundreds of voices. It reminded Skylar of the last time he'd been there with Kindor. A distant past it felt to him now. The scene was nearly identical to that one. The upper balconies brimmed with curious spectators and concerned citizens, all alive with conversations speculating the cause for the meeting. The lower seats gradually filled with the white-robed Council members. The only difference this time was that Skylar sat on the floor level, just below the first row of Council seats, across the center floor from the viceroy's own chair.

How all this had happened so quickly Skylar did not know. Only the day before had Krom sought out Captain Arturo. Somehow he had won the captain's confidence and support. By what magic art of speech, Skylar could not guess. Krom was obviously more that the rough exterior that met one's eye. Astounding yet was the swiftness with which Arturo had acted, urging Aberforce with all haste to assemble the Council. And not a hint of the reason for the meeting did Arturo give him. Scarcely a day had passed since they had set their plan in motion.

Skylar shifted in his chair nervously. Krom had not told him what he intended to do, or what Arturo would say. Though he had a fairly good idea what it might be, he preferred not to think about it. "Be ready," had been Krom's only counsel.

The two men, Krom and Captain Arturo sat beside him, Krom on his left, Arturo on his right. Endrick and Lasseter were seated somewhere nearby, as well. Skylar's thoughts were too preoccupied to worry about knowing exactly where.

He suddenly wondered if Kindor was in the hall. What would he think? Rasbus, too...and Rolander. Kendyl, even. His heart missed a beat. What would they all think? In that moment, he felt quite small and vulnerable.

The assemblage grew quiet and all silently rose to their feet. Skylar looked up and found that the viceroy had entered the hall. He walked forward with that same stately air. But Skylar thought he detected a smidgen of agitation in his eyes, like a man forced to do something he doesn't want to do. The viceroy took his seat and motioned for everyone else to do likewise.

"I thank the Council for meeting again with no forewarning," began Aberforce. "The Council was called at the behest of Captain Arturo. He has not even allowed me to glimpse into the topic of such urgency," he continued, an edge of annoyance cutting his words. "So let us defer directly to him—Captain Arturo."

Arturo rose to his feet and strode onto the center floor.

"Thank you, my lord," said the captain. "You do me great honor. When last I spoke before you, I brought disturbing news for Haladras and the empire. Tonight, I bring you both hope and even graver tidings."

A collective groan rose quietly from the congregation.

"Less than one month ago I stood before you and warned of the growing tyranny of our king. Many here outwardly deny it, including our own honorable viceroy. Yet only one who is dishonest with himself cannot see what is happening."

"Captain Arturo!" Aberforce's angry voice echoed through the hall. "If you have brought us here merely to raise rebellion among my people, I will not have it! Already your voice has stirred overzealous hearts to believe your disloyal doctrine. It's time I put an end to it."

"Then you sentence this people to the bondage of slavery, just as those on Quoryn and Fenorra have suffered," cried Arturo in reply.

Aberforce rose abruptly, his eyes blazing with anger.

"Enough! Your words are sufficient to bring down the wrath of the most merciful of kings upon us. Be gone from here."

The viceroy shot out his arm, finger pointed for Arturo to leave. The captain's stance faltered not a wit.

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