Chapter 1

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The voice called out to her in the darkness. "Aslin!" It hissed. She blearily opened her eyes, but laid still in the bed, unable to move. The room was filled with a blood red light, and terrible fear filled her. "Aslin!" it hissed again.

Aslin had had sleep paralysis from time to time in her life, but never as frequent as now. She had been having similar dreams for the past two weeks. She laid patiently waiting for the paralysis and fear to go away as it usually did.

But then, a shadowy figure appeared next to her bed, which had never happened before. The fear grew stronger, and as suddenly as it appeared, it disappeared. Aslin's fear began to subside, and she slowly woke up.

"Just a dream." she reminded herself, even though she wasn't really sure that she believed that.

Aslin's eyes drifted towards her dresser, and she noticed that her digital clock was off. Suddenly, she heard the air conditioner turn on, and the clock began blinking 12 a.m. Aslin wondered if the power had gone off during the night, and was now turning back on. She looked at her cellphone and saw that it was 3 a.m. She set her clock to that hour and returned to bed.

But, she wondered if the experience was really a dream at all after hearing the air conditioner turned back

Aslin was a witch, and even though she was, she was not an incredibly superstitious person. Magic had been passed down to her through her family, and she even owned a shop where she sold potions and spells for people.

The experience unnerved her so much that she stayed up the rest of the night.

The next day, she went to her shop as usual. A few customers were looking at her potions, mostly laughing at the names as if she was some kind of fraud. She carried a few crystals in her shop, thinking that someone would actually buy them and help keep her business afloat.

As she was stocking her shelves, she heard a loud boom. A bright light and an electrifying sensation filled the air. She heard the sound of a shelf falling down and glass shatterring. She walked around her shop and saw an elderly gentleman lying on top of the shelf that had fallen on the floor, amongst shattered bottles of potions. He was wearing a strange brown robe, and had long white hair. "Help me up please!" he stammered nervously. The other customers came to see what was going on. Suddenly, a pink mist surrounded him, and he transformed into a rabbit!

"Oh no!" Aslin thought. The man had shattered the bottles of potions to transform someone into an animal,causing himself to be bathed in it. The customers screamed as the rabbit bounded through the small croud and hid behind the counter. "She's a real witch!" some of the customers whispered to each other nervously.

"Of course I'm a real witch!" Aslin said. "Is he going to be alright?" one of the women asked. "Yes, that potion if just for fun, and the results are temporary. It will wear off." Aslin said. A piece of paper was lying on the floor next to the fallen bookshelf caught her eye. There was a strange language written on it, which she recognized as ancient Phantarian, a language that had been passed down to her through her ancestors. She walked around the counter and saw the little rabbit hiding in a shelf.

"Look, you're gonna be alright. The potion will wear off in a few hours!" Aslin said to the rabbit.

"I really want to talk to you privately." the rabbit whispered. Aslin knew that she had to close the shop for a period of time to clean up the mess anyway.

"Everyone, please clear out of the shop. I have to clean this up!" she said. The customers walked out, and Aslin locked the door. She put on some gloves and cleaning goggles and began to wipe up the mess. The rabbit hopped to where she was kneeling on the floor, careful not to get more potion on himself.

"My name is Aldan, and I came here from another world to invite you to a job interview for the position of Palace Mage." the rabbit said. "Another world?" Aslin asked. "A country called Phantaria. I am a servant of the king and queen. The old mage died, and they are recruiting the finest witches and wizards from across the realms to apply for the job."

"My name is Aslin Moonrain. Magic runs in my family." Aslin said. "Moonrain?!" the little rabbit gasped. "You've heard of them?" Aslin asked. "Oh, many years ago, there were a family of wizards by the last name of Moonrain who lived in my country." the rabbit said. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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