Chapter Three

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Chapter three.

Day Three, June 2,

Hola stalker who is reading my diary! I'm in an awesome mood today so I'm not going to get you arrested for breaking into my house and stealing my personal things!

Wondering why I'm so happy? Well I guess this is where I tell you...We have officially left for the river! Sure it may be 8:30 A.M. But I'm not tired, not at all. By one or two I'll be at our awesome cabin partying it up with the fish! Okay maybe I won't be partying with the fish, their kinda smelly....

I'm so excited! My mom said we even get to go to one of those truck stop gas station things! I love those places. They always have weird stuff there!

Well sadly I have to end it there because I get major headaches whenever I read or write in the car, sucks right? Write some more tomorrow~

Love, Love.

I silently place my diary into my gray and lime green sling-over backpack. It had its own special compartment right in front. I yawn and rub my eyes, it's weird how one minute you can be fully awake then the next you're feeling like you haven't slept in weeks. I secretively peek over at Jamie. His head was tilted back and he was snoring quietly. Maybe taking a nap wasn't such a bad idea.

I pull my thin blanket over me and snuggle into its warmness. Yep I was definitely a good idea to bring a blanket. My dad was one of those weird people who has to have everything freezing cold. I on the other hand inherited having to be warm twenty-four seven from my mother.

I calmly lean over until my head is resting on Jamie's shoulder. He wasn't extremely comfortable, but hey I didn't bring a pillow and it's better than nothing! Plus he's really warm and smells like pineapple. I like pineapple.

My eyes close and I don't fight my tiredness. Sadly for me every time I try to sleep my brain decides it's time to start drifting off to random things. I try to focus on sleeping and give up after what seems like an hour. I guess I can always count sheep, does that even work?

I start imagining boring white numbered puffy sheep jumping over a crappy fence. 1,2,3,4,5, Erg! I can't do this! Maybe if their cooler looking...

I turn on my awesome imagination and soon my use to be plain white sheep jumping over a random fence is now, sparkling, superhero sheep with capes jumping over a rainbow. Much better in my opinion.

I guess the whole thing works because before I know I lose track of my senses and drift into a dreamless peaceful sleep.


I feel a light tap on my cheek. I groan and start slapping away the evil thing that awoke me.

"Lo." The person taps my cheek again. "Wake up."

I pop open my eyes and soon regret it.

"My eyes!" I cover them with my hand trying to block the evil sunlight that was trying to murder my eyes.

"Logan come on we're here." I remove my hand forgetting about the evil sun and grin happily.

"Really we are!" I start bouncing up in down in my seat making the whole car shake.

I advert my gaze from Jamie to out the window then back to Jamie, I hit him on the arm.

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