Chapter 12 - Shock

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"Open the fucking door Kaidyn!" the angry voice barked.

"This piece of shit," Kaidyn muttered under his breath, gently pushing me off his lap.

When he opened the door the person on the other side charged through it, as I quickly shrunk into the couch.

"What the fuck are you doing knocking on my door like a damn maniac!" Kaidyn snarled.

"What were you thinking telling Spade I ran away?!" He barked out, "She thought I abandoned her!"

"What are you talking about?! I told her that you probably just ditched school and she was no where to be seen the next day!" Kaidyn exclaimed.

"Then why in hell was she so worried? She wasn't as worried the other times I ditched, so what else did you tell her?" He growled, lowering his voice.

"I told her that you probably ran away, the day she asked I was in a bad mood," Kaidyn lowered his voice as well.

Marble sighed, "Okay," He said calmly, as he spotted a small drop of blood on the hardwood floor.

"Did you kill someone in here recently?" He asked sarcastically.

"No, something bad just happened this morning..." He lowered his voice almost to a whisper.

Marble raised an eyebrow, "and? What was that bad thing?" He asked.

Kaidyn sighed, and pointed to the couch. Marble walked over to see me swallowed by the soft cushions.

"The fuck happened to you?" He chuckled, knowing I heard his hatred in  it.

I lowered my head, not responding to him anytime soon. He glared at me and punched the arm Kaidyn attacked.

"Answer me mutt," He growled, as I hissed at the pain he brought and covered my eyes with my fringe.

"Hey, can you leave him alone? I just- I..." Kaidyn stuttered, I'm guessing he didn't want to admit he injured me. I don't know why, he had done it for a reason and I should've never done that reason..

"He, uh... He broke one of the important rules and-" Marble snapped his head at me, looking more than angry.

"What? I think he should have an even worse punishment than just having a bad shoulder," He barked and shot an evil grin at me.

Man this guy is evil, you can tell he was ready to rip my throat out by his canine teeth growing sharper.

I screwed my eyes shut, expecting him to rip me apart. The pain never came, when I peeked through my bangs I saw Kaidyn's hand on Marbles shoulder, sending him a warning look.

"I'm sorry..." I softly whispered, as they both shot a look at me, Kaidyn with a confused expression and Marble with dark one.

Kaidyn cooed and came over to me, nuzzling my neck, again making me giggle softly.

Marble growled, "How can you make him feel better? He broke one of the major rules, and instead of punishing him you encourage him," He said, rolling his eyes.

   "Hey!" Kaidyn snapped, "Watch your mouth,"

   Marble shot me another glare, then lighting up as he had an idea.

   "Maybe, he could put this on," he walked into a room that I haven't went into the past week, and he came out with a collar. And not just any collar, a shock collar. They were gonna put that on me! Bullshit, I wasn't going through that, even though I never tried it on I know it hurts so fucking bad. I whimpered quietly, but didn't dare to move.

   "That's fine, Kyler you do know the rules when you wear the shock collar right?" Kaidyn said, looking at me expecting an answer.

   "N-no..." I shook, knowing I still am being punished because of damn Marble.

   "Okay then, it basically is when you wear the collar you have to give in to, well, my demands, and not Marbles," he said, as I sighed in relief. If I were to give in to Marbles demands then I've would've been a goner.

   "And you know what happens when you don't give in?" He added, raising an eyebrow.

   "I g-get shocked..?" I asked hesitantly.

   "Yes, and when you do give in?" He asked again.

   "I-I don't get s-shocked?" Now I'm scared, I don't really like the idea of wearing collars.

   "Yes, and you'll have to wear this for the whole weekend, alright?" I nodded in response.

Fuck, I'm so scared... Marble handed the collar to Kaidyn with that evil smirk of his.

   "Turn around doll," he said, not sure why he added that last word. I'm pretty sure I'm not a doll...

I did as he said and turned around as he tightly put the collar around my neck. I regret ever having him control me, for even a second. Though, I deserve it, I guess.. I was so lost in my thoughts on how I would survive just 2 days with a shock collar that I zoned out on one of the rules Kaidyn added.

   "Dafaq you say?" I asked like how I normally did, but I still hadn't noticed that Marble was still here.

I then felt a sharp and harsh pain on my neck. He shocked me!

   "What the fuck was that for?!" I exclaimed, then feeling the pain on my neck again.

   "We're you not listening? One of the rules are not cussing," he chuckled, seeming to enjoy seeing me in pain.

I groaned, "I don't know if I could go the weekend without cussing Kaidyn,"

   "It's okay, you looked deep in thought, I should've got your attention before telling you that," he said, rubbing his hand on my back, the remote in the other.

   "Can Marble leave already?" I ask, giving Marble an annoyed look. He shot one back, saying 'you're welcome,' somewhere in there.

   "Sure," Kaidyn said, then looking at Marble giving him a look to leave. Marble nodded and left the house without another word.

   "Don't worry doll, I won't ask you to do to much," he cooed, cuddling with me all over again. He pulled my legs over his lap, my back against the arm of the sofa. He then surprised me with him crashing onto my lips, but I pushed him back. He zapped me again him earning a yelp from me. I already hated this.

   "I said I wouldn't ask for too much, and I won't, but I just need this right now," he said calmly in a whisper in my ear. I slowly nodded not wanting to get shocked again, as he connected out lips once more.

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