Chapter Nine -

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Chapter Nine -

"Come on, say something!" Adrian chuckled as he unlocked the door to his penthouse suite.

I continued glaring, staying silent as the rattling of the keys echoed throughout the empty top level loudly. The door clicked open, and he turned to face me fully, smirking in amusement. "'Thank you Adrian. You're the best boss ever.'" He said in a slightly higher pitched tone than his usual deep one. My glare stayed.

He let out a sigh before pulling me into his torso by wrapping his arm around my waist, and I instantly tried to wriggle out of his stone-like grip. "You're not as happy as I thought you'd be, Shortcake." He muttered, looking down at me with a slight pout to his lips.

I stopped trying to wriggle out of his grip momentarily to look up and give him a look of disbelief. "Not as happy as you'd thought I'd be? What part am I supposed to be happy about? Coming to your apartment where you'd probably be even worse than someone who bid on me at the auction, or the fact that you didn't tell me about your brilliant plan to 'take care of it' to begin with? How did you do it anyway? I thought you weren't allowed to participate since it was your charity fundraiser." I pointed out, my glare coming back.

"I didn't participate." He stated, the smirk reappearing on his lips as he lead us inside - still holding me in his iron grip - while he closed and locked the door behind us.

"Yes you did! You bid on m-"

"I didn't bid on anybody. 'A client on the phone' did." He pointed out with a smug expression, throwing his keys on the counter near the door. I groaned in annoyance before pulling out of his hold and throwing my bag onto the sofa in the living room - beginning my silent treatment rule once again.

Adrian chuckled from behind me as he followed me down the hall to the bathroom I showered in last time. I slammed the door shut before he could comment and instantly stripped off my clothing before jumping into the large glass shower area and turned on the gushing hot water.

Once I felt squeaky clean and no longer pissed off, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel that was hanging on the towel rack around my body securely before going over to the mirror and wiping off the steam that blurred my reflection and looking for a hairbrush in the drawers. Once I found one, I quickly ran it through my hair, before grabbing the other towel available in the bathroom and wrapping it around the newly tamed blonde locks.

A firm knock sounded at the door just as I finished balancing the towel on my head, and I looked over at it and frowned. "Shortcake, I have clothes for you." Adrian's deep voice came out slightly muffled from behind the door, and the realisation of my lack of pyjamas registered in my mind just then.

Sighing, I walked over to the door and cracked it open slightly, sticking one arm out for Adrian to put the clothes in, and waited for the soft feel of material to surround my grip. But instead of clothing, my hand was met with another hand, just as Adrian pulled me out of the bathroom. I let out a startled scream before my eyes met Adrian's amused smirk, and I gave him a look of disbelief as his eyes scanned my body hungrily. "Adrian! Let go." I scowled, trying to pry my arm out of his grip while also trying to hold up the towel securely.

"I invited you into my home and let you use my shower. The least you could've done was invite me in there with you." He said in a mock exasperated tone, smirking.

I groaned, suddenly feeling tired. "I knew this was going to happen." I mumbled, pouting slightly.

"You knew what was going to happen?" Adrian asked, and I looked back up to meet his curious expression.

"That this is how my entire time with you was going to turn out. You'll keep trying to either see me or get me naked, all the while making comments like that to make me either uncomfortable or angry - purely for your own entertainment." I explained flatly, earning another smirk from him.

"You know me so well." He said smugly, and I rolled my eyes. "Unfortunately." I mumbled, using the opportunity to yank my arm out of his hold due to the short distraction. He chuckled when I began glaring again, and held out the clothes he put together for me to wear. I snatched them off him, before stomping over to the room I had gotten dressed in last time and slammed the door shut once again.

I pouted before slipping on my bra, and decided to text Amy and Rita at the same time: Do you want to know who I went home with? Adrian Kingston. Whoop-di-do! If you have any sort of affection for me - save me! And don't tell anyone about this. He wasn't supposed to participate. Wish me luck with Satan in human form. :(

I didn't wait for their replies as I walked out of the bedroom wearing another one of Adrian's shirts that stopped just above mid-thigh and had 'The Beatles' word logo printed on it, and a pair of royal blue boxers underneath.

"Are you hungry?" Adrian asked once I entered the living room. I placed my dress and heels on a secluded chair in the corner of the living room and strolled over to the leather sofa, ignoring his entire presence.

I heard him chuckle as I made myself comfortable on the corner of the sofa and switched on the large flat screen television that was positioned in front of me; before I felt the leather of the sofa sink beside me. "Come on Shortcake. Talk to me." He murmured, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling my body into his.

I bit the inside of my cheek and glared at the screen, continuing my silent treatment, as he let out a full-fledged laugh. I tried to keep my expression neutral; trying to cover up the fact that his real laugh - not his usual arrogant chuckle - had an effect on me in any way possible.

"Emily." He tried again, meshing our bodies even closer to each other than before. "What do you want me to do? Lie and say I'm sorry? Because I really am not. I wanted you to come home with me for the night." He declared, and I felt his shoulders go up for what felt like a shrug.

I continued to ignore him, and aimlessly flicked through the channels that were available on his television. Various channels briefly passed my vision - until I saw the familiar face of Sheldon Cooper pop up, and I kept it on the channel that was currently airing The Big Bang Theory. I temporarily forgot about Adrian's firm hold around my waist and started laughing at something Sheldon had done to his roommate, Leonard, and my mood was no longer classified as 'pissed off'.

That is, until, the asshole opened his mouth again. "You know he's gay." Adrian stated, and I could practically feel the smirk on his plump lips. "That means you have no chance with him. You have a chance with me - in case you were wondering."

"I wasn't - in case you were wondering." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

He chuckled before I felt his long fingers wrap around my chin, pulling my face to face his. "Talk to me. I'm bored." He pouted. "Or let's watch a movie together or something. I'll make popcorn and I'll even let you choose the movie!" He exclaimed.

I frowned slightly as his words registered in my mind. "Okay." I said.

"Okay?" Adrian repeated with a surprised expression.

I nodded, smiling slightly at his shock. "Let's watch a movie. Go and make the popcorn while I go through the choices."

Adrian raised an eyebrow slightly, giving me a cautious look. "You're not... Are you playing a trick on me? Trying to get me to leave so you can escape?" He asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.

A laugh escaped my lips as I shook my head. "Where do you keep your movies?" I asked, pulling out of his grasp.

He lifted himself off the sofa at the same time I did, and pointed to the large white cabinet that was located on the side of the living room with a smirk. "Go crazy." He said before leaving the room.

I walked over to the large cabinet and opened it cautiously, not wanting to ruin the expensive looking piece of furniture - before my jaw fell to the floor in shock. There had to be at least 400 DVD cases in this thing! The sound of popcorn erupting in a microwave sounded from the kitchen, and I shook myself out of my amazed state.

My eyes scanned the large variety thoroughly; searching for any movie that involved Johnny Depp or The Hemsworth or Franco brothers, before my eyes stopped at the one DVD case I had been itching to watch for a while. I took out the navy coloured case and made my way over to the Blu-ray player before inserting the CD into the machine.

"Now you see me. Good choice. It's also a long movie too." Adrian said from behind me, making my body whip itself around from shock. He was looking down at my short figure with a smirk, and I felt my eyebrows raise. "Is that a problem? I can choose a different-"

"Not a problem. More like a treat. 2 hours with you not hating my guts? I think I'm going to enjoy myself." His smirk grew as I rolled my eyes and smiled at his logic, before the sound of the microwave signalling the popcorn was finished went off in the kitchen, making Adrian leave the room once again.

I took my original position at the corner of the sofa before ruffling my hair out to feel less of a strain on my head, and then crossed my legs and put a pillow in my lap as Adrian re-entered the living room. "Comfortable?" He asked with a smirk, before squashing up to me with the bowl of popcorn in his hands.

I rolled my eyes at his overly excited grin before answering. "I was." I stated, glaring playfully.

He chuckled and pulled me into his warm torso once again before reaching over to the remote control to press play. "Good. Let's watch the movie."


"Dave Franco needs to marry me. He is the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes on." I stated with a glazed expression as the end credits rolled onto the large flat screen in front of Adrian and me.

Adrian scoffed, before he looked down at me with his trademark smirk. "He's not even in my league, and you know it, Shortcake." He pointed out with an amused glint in his eyes. Somehow, during the movie, I had ended up in Adrian's lap, with his arms curled around my waist in a tight restraint so I wasn't able to shift my position.

It was comfortable - really comfortable - and I instantly scolded myself for liking the fact that I was being held in the arms of my boss.

"Whatever you say, Adri-poo." I teased, pinching his cheeks with a grin.

"'Adri-poo?'" He repeated with the same trademark smirk and amused expression.

I nodded, still grinning. "Your new nickname. Oh, and you're right. Dave Franco is not in your league at all. He has an entire league of his own. Far, far away from you." I winked.

Adrian turned off the Blu-ray player and television while he chuckled at my statement. "You're right as well, I'm afraid. You see, he's all the way at the bottom of the scale, and I'm all the way at the top. Actually, I'm that sexy, that I don't even qualify on the scale." He smirked, and I raised an eyebrow at his inflated ego.

"Okay Boss. Sure. If that's what makes you sleep at night." I stated with a smug smirk, making him chuckle.

"Actually, the thought of you makes me sleep at night." He stated with a small smile. "You know, with no clothing on-"

I groaned, cutting him off. "Do not even finish that sentence and ruin the 2% progress you've made with me." I warned, scowling playfully.

Adrian chuckled as I felt his hands retract themselves from around my waist and one of them slid to my back while the other slid down to the bend in my legs before he lifted me up bridal style, making me squeal in surprise in the process. "Come on Shortcake, let's go to bed."

"I want to sleep in my own bed." I quickly brought up. Adrian smirked and ignored my request as he turned off the lights in the living room while still managing to keep me in his hold. A bright light flashed from outside as the house became increasingly quiet, and that's when I realised it was raining - and there was lightning - outside.

My breath hitched in my throat as I envisioned myself sleeping in alone in a room without Amy to comfort me like the child I was. "Or... um, maybe I should get home. I- I think I heard my alarm go off and I- I need to feed my pet hamster." I lied, gulping in fear as another bright light flashed in my side vision.

In the dim lighting of the penthouse suite, I saw Adrian look down at me with a frown. "Are you okay?" He asked, concern lacing his tone.

"Okay? Me? Of course I'm okay! Peachy, even! Why would you think otherwise?" I let out a forced laugh, earning another confused frown from Adrian. "I think I should just sleep in a separate room if you can't get me home at this time..." I trailed off. I would get no sleep at this point; but having no sleep is better than going in blindly and not knowing how I'd react in the same bed as Adrian when there was my worst fear going on outside.

"No." He stated bluntly as I felt gravity do its thing as I was thrown onto the familiar smelling and way too comfortable four poster bed that Adrian owned.

"No, you don't understand..." I trailed off, biting my lip and I ran my fingers through my hair. I didn't want to tell Adrian that I feared lightning. He'd probably just laugh in my face and call me an immature child.

"I'm not going to do anything you don't want me too, Emily. I'm not like that." He said with an angry frown as he unbuttoned the white shirt he had been wearing for the night before throwing it carelessly on the floor.

My throat went dry at the site of his body, and I looked away as soon as it registered in my mind that I was checking my boss out. I tried to hide my burning cheeks by clearing my throat. "I know you're not. It's not that-"

"You don't even own a pet hamster." He stated with the same bluntness as before as he pulled his pants down right in front of me, so that he was standing in nothing but navy coloured boxers.

My eyes went wide as they travelled up his entire body, before they stopped at the trademark smirk that was occupying his lips. "But I'll act like one if that's what gets you off." He suggested, making his smirk grow as he got into the bed beside me.

I choked on my own saliva as my eyes grew even wider in shock, and I felt my whole face burn in embarrassment. "What? I- no, that's not even - I don't- what." I stuttered, suddenly aware of everything that surrounded his almost-naked body and my heated one.

He chuckled before pulling me into his solid torso, his skin feeling warm against my bare arms. "I was joking. I know there's only one thing that gets you off - and that's me." The smirk returned to his dark lips and my embarrassment faded as I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"No. it's Dave Franco." I decided to reply, smirking smugly.

Adrian's arrogant smirk instantly dropped as he looked at me in disbelief. "Are you serious? I'm way more hotter than he is!" He exclaimed sceptically.

I tapped my index finger on my chin and closed one eye, putting a false expression of thought before replying. "Hmm. No, I don't see it." I teased, breaking out into a grin.

"Let me show you then." Adrian declared, before I felt him pin me down to the bed as he climbed on top of me. I squeaked in surprise and instantly began blushing as he smirked down at me, restraining my body by my wrists.

"A- Adrian." I stuttered, attempting to sound firm.

"Yes Shortcake?" He replied, giving me an innocent look while still managing to keep the smirk plastered onto his features. Another bright flash of lighting, followed by a loud eruption of thunder came from outside of the window, temporarily making me forget the fact that Adrian was almost naked and on top of my flushed body as I looked over to the window on the side in mortification.

"Please let me go home." I whispered, fear instantly taking control of my nerves as another bright light flashed from the window. The sound of the pouring rain increased in volume and I forced myself to drag my gaze back to Adrian's face, which was looking down at me with both concern and curiosity.

My eyes met his and I witnessed the realisation slowly sink in. "You're afraid of the rain?" He asked, slightly cocking his head to the side as he waited for my reply.

"No." I answered boldly, trying to mask my fear as I witnessed another bright flash occur from the side of my eye. He frowned slightly at my face, before his gaze travelled over to the large window that occupied one of the walls in his room as I witnessed more of the realisation settle into his expression.

I gulped and avoided his gaze before his eyes could lock me in as shame and embarrassment flooded my veins. "You're afraid of the lightning?" He questioned, as I felt his head turn back to face me. I didn't reply - too ashamed at the fact that he had figured out my phobia, and not trusting my voice to reply as strongly as I would want it too if I lied.

One of his hands uncurled themselves from my wrist before I felt his warm fingers slip under my chin as they guided my face back to meet his concerned expression. "You can tell me, I'm not going to judge you." His voice dropped down to a deep murmur, just as more thunder rumbled outside.

I gulped and looked straight into his hazel eyes before I felt my head nod a fraction as my reply. Surprise flashed his features as he stared down at me for a few moments. I could practically feel the laughter that was about to erupt from his system, and I waited for the shame to sink into my skin even deeper than it already had.

Except, no laughter came.

Adrian bent down and kissed my forehead, before I felt the entire warmth of his body leave mine in a fraction of a second. Disappointment and longing flooded through my veins - and the fear and shame I was feeling was temporarily forgotten. I looked down at his shirt in embarrassment, not wanting to see his reaction to the newly discovered information he found about me - and was surprised once again when I heard the zip of curtains echo throughout the large room, as it suddenly turned pitch black.

I heard shuffling before a small bed side lamp flickered on, illuminating Adrian's handsome face in the darkness of the room. "Is this good for you?" He asked, the concerned expression never leaving his features.

I stared back at him in surprise for a few moments, blinking as my mind temporarily blanked from answering his question. Why wasn't he laughing at me or making fun of me?

Realising that he was still waiting for a reply, I nodded meekly, flushing again from his concern and my lack of response. "I... Thank you." I mumbled as he re-entered the bed.

He instantly pulled me into his torso once again, wrapping his arms around my body in a protective manner. "You should have told me." He murmured into my hair as he stroked my back in a soothing motion. My body began to heat up in embarrassment again as I suddenly felt conscious of every inch of my body pressed against his.

We stayed silent for a while in the same position - he continued to stroke my back in the same soothing motion as the sound of the pouring rain and rumbling thunder became muffled from my face being pressed into the crook of his neck - blocking out any lightning that I would've been able to witness.

After a while, he pulled away slightly and looked down at me with a small smirk. "I know you're uncomfortable." He stated as his gazed travelled down to the royal blue boxers I was wearing, before he looked back up to my chest area, where I was still wearing the strapless bra.

I felt every pour on my face pulse as the heat spread through them, and I looked away from his knowing gaze. He pulled away from me completely, and the same longing feeling returned to my body as it instantly turned cold due to his withdrawal. "Take them off." He commanded in a firm tone, leaving no room for argument.

I looked at him cautiously for a while, before sighing and nodding. There was no point trying to argue with him. "Turn around." I mumbled, still blushing in embarrassment and self-consciousness.

"Why? It's not like I haven't seen it before. Plus, we're sleeping in the same bed." He pointed out, smirking. I glared in his direction and crossed my arms over my chest, making him chuckle. "Okay, okay. I'll turn around." He stated with a mocking grudge tone, making me smile slightly as he turned away from my body.

I quickly shrugged off the boxers and pulled off the bra while watching Adrian's back with caution; afraid he was going to turn around any minute, before dropping the pieces of clothing on the floor and getting back into the bed. Adrian instantly turned around and pulled me into him once he felt the mattress dip from my presence, and smirked down at me. "Better?" He asked, as I watched the green in his hazel eyes begin to take over the brown.

I nodded before glaring up at him slightly. "Stop enjoying this so much." I scowled playfully, blushing slightly as his fingers brushed along the side of my thigh.

He chuckled before he pressed me closer into his body, and my eyes widened in shock as I felt a familiar, hard thing press at my lower stomach. "Too late." He smirked, making my expression turn to one of horror.

"Adrian! It's been, like, 30 seconds!" I hissed, mortified.

He chuckled again before kissing the tip of my nose. "That doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about it previously."

I gasped in shock before groaning at his dreamy expression. "You're impossible." I declared, shaking my head in disbelief.

"I'm incredible." He corrected, smirking.

"Let's just get some sleep." I declared, trying to hide my smile.

"Do I at least get a goodnight kiss?" He asked as a hopeful glint appeared in his eyes.

I studied his expression for a moment, letting the gush of the rain outside fill the room, before my fingers unconsciously tangled themselves into his hair, pulling his head closer towards me. I reached over and kissed his cheek softly, before blushing. "Thank you, for everything you've done tonight." I murmured, meeting his eyes once I pulled away from his cheek.

Surprise, along with an unreadable emotion crossed his features as he stared down at my blushing face, before he nodded slightly and turned around to turn off the small lamp. My eyes adjusted to the darkness moments after the light was switched off, and Adrian took his original position of pressing me into his body in a protective manner, shielding me away from the lightning outside.

I fell asleep smiling.


Hello! Omg I'm 15 minutes late, darn it!

Let me explain - thanks to a deal I made with the devil, expect updates every day of this week (Until Saturday)

So what did you think of this chapter? I had major writers block while writing this :/ Sorry if it's crappy! Comments are much appreciated, tell me what you think! Sorry for any mistakes!

Btw omg you guys are awesome! This was listed as #843 on the Teen Fiction what's hot and as #985 on the Romance what's hot! Ily guys so much, you're all the best!

Dedicating this to Hanaddiii for being an amazing supporter of this since the start! Love you :D

Vote/Comment/Fan if you deem it worthy enough!

Thanks for reading lovelies! xx

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