Chapter 8

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   Aghanya walked to the gardens confused and in deep thought. Her heels clicked on the marble footpath as she reached the garden. Varun was sitting there on the edge of a bench, tapping his leg rapidly in anxiety. Seeing her he stood up rapidly only to stumble.

Aghanya came to the conclusion that he was intoxicated. If the stumbling was not an indicator enough, the stench of alcohol was. She felt like it was a mistake coming here.

   "Aghanya, I'm so glad you came!" He came on to her. She stepped back. He backed off too mumbling a sorry.

  "Varun, can't we talk about this tomorrow? When you're sober."

"I am not drunk. I'm just tipsy." He slurred. Aghanya felt a the pit of fear grow in her stomach. She couldn't take the thought out of her mind, that something was about to go wrong.

   Her eyes widened as Varun drank more, from what seemed like a beer bottle. "Stop drinking! I think I should leave. You're in no condition to talk." She turned to walk away. He held her wrist stopping her from leaving.

"No, Aghanya, please don't go. I-I..." He let her go. Ran a hand through his hair. "I am still in love with you." He said miserably.

Aghanya looked at him shocked. She would've loved hearing it from him even a year before. Not now. Now she was in love with Viren. And he liked her too.

"I think, you're just experiencing cold feet, Varun. You're marrying tomorrow after all."

"Aghanya! No! I've loved you since day one. You're so nice and so loving and I chose Rhea just because she was hot. That was what I did wrong. Please...Aghanya..." He fell to his knees and covered his face and cried.

"Please get up, Varun, please. Varun! You love Rhea. You're marrying her tomorrow." She said panicking.

"No! No! I'm not! I broke up with her." He cried and stood up cupping her face. "I want to marry you tomorrow!"

She shook her head in shock. "No, no-" He cut her off by kissing her. She froze in shock as his lips moved rapidly against hers. It felt disgusting. Not like the kiss that she and Viren had shared. Bile rose in her throat as she pulled away.

   "I'm in love Varun." She paused. He looked at her with eyebrows frowned. She didn't know how many minutes had passed until he had backed off.

"I'm in love with Viren. We're engaged soon to be married. And he..." I said.

  "No!" He yelled agitated. "No! I love you! He doesn't! Trust me Aghanya!" He screeched coming at her.

  "Enough Varun! I think I should leave!" She said angrily and quickly turned her steps.

  "Nooo! Aghanya!" He held her wrist tightly.

"Let me go Varun! You're hurting me!" She struggled against him but and freed her hand running away. But he yanked her back her hair. She screamed in pain. "Varun! Ahh!"

"I said I love you! You do not get to reject me. You are not that good looking!" He screamed to her face.

Tears streamed down her cheek. "Varun! Have you gone insane? Let me go!" She pleaded.

  She bit his arm and tried to run away again. Only to stumble down hard because her legs were too wobbly. She heard a crash and looked at Varun holding the broken bottle against his wrist. But that didn't scare her, what scared her was, the look in his eyes. She wanted to run away. And she stood up just to do that.

"Aghanya!" He growled. And held her back again and slashed her wrist instead. "I said I love you!"

"Varun! I hate you!" She said angrily and pushed him away and ran away as fast as she could. She didn't stop until she had reached the lobby. People stared at her disrupt state and her bleeding arm. Her throat felt clogged and her head rung in silence. She ran up the stairs to his room. She wanted him. He would surely hold her. Console her, calm her down. He would teach  Varun some lesson. He would protect her. Her legs wobbled as she reached his door. He was inside, she knew, his door light was green. Meaning someone was inside.

"Viren? Are you inside? I really really need you..." Her voice cracked as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. She placed her forehead on the door, "Viren... I need you..." She whispered. But she was met in utter silence. Maybe he was not inside and just left the lights on. Maybe he was inside the ensuite.

Someone tapped on her shoulder and she looked back. It was the police with the Manager. She looked at them puzzled. "We need you to come with us right now." She was too tired to argue and she didn't want her passport to be in jeopardy.

She was taken to the hospital and after her wrist was bandaged, they bombarded her with questions. She told them the truth about Varun. Varun was arrested.

   "What have you done?" Her mother barged in the room while was giving them detailed statement. "And you believed her? She has a history officers. She is depressed." She looked at her mother in shock. She had tears streaming down, her make up caked face.

   "Honey, I understand your pain but this is wrong...." She hugged Aghanya. "I know you love Varun and it pains to see him getting married..." She paused. "But it is wrong to do all this so that he doesn't get married."

"What?" The female officer asked confused. "Did you lie?" She asked Aghanya.

"No! He did this to me!" She screeched. But there was already an distrust look in her eyes. She nodded her head in anger and walked out of the door. Her mother walked out too, probably to bribe them to drop the case.

   She let out a sob again. When her mother came back, she looked at her sorrily. "You're not my mother anymore! Just leave!" She said exhausted and slumped down covering her pillow with tears.

  She tried calling Viren again. But his phone was switched off. She really hoped he had a reasonable explanation for his absence. And he would be here in the morning when he knows. He surely would. Mildly hoping, her eyes dropped into sleep.


A/N: Vote and Comment. I know it's short.

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