Chapter 37 Torment Unleashed, Daughter's Cry

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Hunter Leto P.O.V

In the dimly lit room, shadows danced across the walls as he donned those ominous black leather gloves, an eerie precursor to the storm that was about to unfold. The air crackled with tension as he advanced, a harbinger of retribution.

"I showed you mercy and let you go, and this is how you repay me?" he sneered, his voice dripping with betrayal. The dark intensity in his eyes mirrored the storm brewing within.

"You harmed her," he accused, venom lacing each word. A snarl curled his lips, revealing the primal rage beneath his veneer of control.

"I didn't. My human side did," I pleaded, desperation evident in my voice, hoping reason could prevail in the face of impending brutality.

"I don't care," he declared ruthlessly, pressing on my broken ribs, my cries echoing in the cold, unforgiving room. Pain seared through me, but he seemed immune to my protests.

"It wasn't my fault!" I gasped, wriggling in vain, trying to escape the relentless torment.

But my canine teeth betrayed me, elongating involuntarily in response to the agony. "Oh, you feel that?" he taunted, reveling in my suffering.

"That's called pain," he mocked, the words a chilling reminder of the relentless cruelty he was capable of.

"The same type of touch my daughter went through from her very own mate," he growled, his rage fueled by a history of familial injustice.

His fist collided with the bruised canvas of my face, my head snapping violently in the opposite direction. The room echoed with the sickening sound of impact.

A brutal punch to my stomach stole the air from my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath as my weakened knees buckled beneath me. The only lifeline keeping me upright were the unforgiving cuffs.

A menacing chain swung through the air, meeting my back with a sickening thud. Lucifer and I whimpered in unison as the pain intensified with each brutal strike. My legs threatened to give way, but the cuffs held, a cruel reminder of my helplessness.

The tormentor loomed before me, discarding the chain with disdain before unleashing a barrage of punches upon my bloodied face. Vision blurred, the world became a haze of agony.

Amidst the pain, her cries resonated, a haunting melody of despair that fueled my resolve. "She needs me," I rasped, blood dripping from my battered mouth, my eyes flashing hazel-orange in defiance.

"Didn't you get enough?" he thundered, a cruel smirk playing on his lips before delivering a resounding slap. A bottle emerged from the shadows, containing a lethal concoction of alcohol and wolfsbane.

"Do you know what this is?" he sneered, the sinister revelation accompanied by a sinking feeling of dread.

The distant banging on the door grew faint, drowned out by the symphony of brutality within the confines of the shadowy chamber.

"Let me go to her; she needs me," I pleaded desperately, my voice strained from the relentless assault. Ignoring my pleas, he callously splashed the liquid on me, transforming my skin into a canvas of searing agony. It felt as though a thousand needles had conspired to puncture me, the aftermath akin to the scalding aftermath of fire.

A guttural scream tore through the air, escaping my lips involuntarily as the unbearable pain coursed through my entire being. Breathing became a laborious task, each inhale a struggle against the torment that engulfed me. Lucifer's whimpering echoed in the background, a painful symphony of shared suffering.

The door, a barrier between despair and salvation, was violently yanked open, bathing the room in a sudden cascade of light. A petite figure materialized, shielding me from the relentless assault. Blurry vision hindered my ability to identify the savior, but the familiar scent wafting through the air told me all I needed to know – my loving mate had arrived.

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