Secrets Revealed

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♧Kaito's POV♧

I waited at the top of the roof, the cold wind pulling against my white cape.

Who is Lady Bird? Why does she feel so... familiar...? Suddenly, the door opened. It was Lady Bird.
"I got it." She says, holding up the Jewel. I gulped. Argh, I hate my ichthyophobia... then she held up the Jewel. She sighed in defeat. It wasn't the Pandora after all...

Suddenly, I heard the click of a gun being readied. "Don't move." A voice said. A silhouette walked out from behind Lady Bird. It was Snake.
"I see that you have reunited with your ally, right, Kid?" He asked, "but she will have to be independent after tonight." He pointed his gun at me. I didn't know what to do. Then, he pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang! All I heard were those three shots and Lady Bird yelling my name. I was expecting pain, but instead, I heard something-- or someone-- collapse in front of me. I opened my eyes. It was Lady Bird. She had blocked those shots. Snake was gone, along with the "Aquarius Flood."
The first had shot her left arm. The second had hit her at the waist, right side. But the last one shocked me most of all. No, she wasn't killed by it, but it had scraped the side of her head, and knocked off her mask. Now I can see her face clearly.
It was (y/n) (l/n). My best friend from school.

--Time Skip--

♢3rd Person POV♢
You opened your eyes to see a white ceiling. Looking around you saw that the room was white and plain, with a large window next to the bed you were lying in. It was a hospital.
You then looked to your left and saw Kaito, who was currently sleeping while he was sitting in a chair (how does he do that??). Of course, he was only wearing a T-shirt and jeans. Not his "Kaitou Kid" uniform (well duh). You tried to sit up, but felt pain shoot up from your arm and waist. You winced and swore silently.
"(Y/n)? Your awake?" You looked at Kaito again and this time he was awake, his turquoise-green (I don't know his actual eye color. I'm looking at fanart right now and they're greenish blue so yeah... ^ ^;) eyes were filled with concern. You managed a small smile.

"Yeah..." You said. Then you suddenly remembered. You had protected Kaito from that man, and had been shot in the process. But... now that your in the hospital with him meant... he knew about your identity!?
After a few moments of silence, Kaito broke it.
"Hey, (y/n)?" He asked. You jumped, getting ready to answer his questions.
"... Why... didn't you tell me?"
"U-um... I... uh..."
"Don't you trust me?"
You stayed silent. You didn't know how to answer this question. Yes, you did trust him... but... what if he hated you for it? Will he? Kaito sighed.
"I understand if you can't answer. Well, I'll be going then." He said, and stood up. You sat up, attempting to grab his hand, but then pain shot up your body. He quickly pushed you back down in bed.
"Try not to push yourself." He said. Then he left.

--Time Skippy--

"Kaito!!" Kaito looked up to see Aoko, out of breath. "What?" He asked.
"Don't 'what' me! I heard that (y/n)'s in the hospital! What happened!?"
He paused. "... You have something to do with it don't you...?" She asked, enraged. Kaito hung his head in defeat.
"... I'll tell you at lunch..."

--Time Skip To Lunch!--

"So... your saying that... (y/n) and you met... and then these guys tried to steal stuff!?" Aoko exclaimed. Kaito nodded. He couldn't tell her the real reason, so he lied of course. "And she blocked all gun three shots!?" Well, that part wasn't a lie. He nodded again. Aoko sighed.
"After school, take me to her... I want to give her a visit." She said.
--Woww!! So many Time Skips! :3--

You sat in your hospital bed, thinking about what to tell Kaito. Maybe... maybe you should avoid him for a bit? I mean... it IS going to be a bit difficult to explain... after all, he might hate you for it...
After another few minutes of thinking, someone knocked on your door. You jumped, but then hissed in pain. "C-come in..." You said. The door opened.

"(Y/n)!! Are you alright!?" Aoko exclaimed, rushing up next to your bed. You strained a smile.
"I'm fine, don't worry." You said. Then you saw Kaito, standing a bit further away, not looking at you or Aoko. You felt... like a confession about why your a Phantom Thief would be useless. That he'll still hate you for lying.
After some time of chatting with Aoko, she said that her father was going to be home soon so she needed to cook dinner. Kaito was going to leave with her, but Aoko insisted that he stay to keep you company. So, right now you are sitting in bed (Kaito helped you sit up) reading your favorite book. Silver Wing by Kenneth Opal (no copyright intended. PLEASE, it's one of my favorites too XD), in english. You were quite good at it. Kaito just stood in front of the window, watching the fading sun.

Kaito broke the silence. "So... can I call you Birdie?" You blinked. "What?"
"I'm asking if I can call you Birdie. Since 'Lady Bird' is a bit long." He had fully turned towards you now.
"Um... well... sure...?"
He grinned. "Wait, you're not mad?" You asked.
"Why would I I be mad?"
"Well, I sorta lied to you..."
"I don't care about that. As long as your fine, I don't care."
You blushed a bit at his cheesy line. "Oh yeah, when are you coming back to school?" He asked.
"Well... the doctor says I can be back at school next week."
"That's great. Ah." His phone beeped for a moment. It was a text message from Aoko. "Aw man. Sorry (y/n), gotta go." He said apologetically.
"No, it's fine. See you."

Click! The door closed. You went back to reading your book, but your mind kept wandering to what he said. 'I don't care about that. As long as your fine, I don't care.' You blushed an even darker red. "Stupid, stupid Kuroba-san and your cheesy lines..." You muttered to yourself, burying your head into the book.

--Another Time Skip To Next Week =w=--

"... Good morning sense--" Before you could finish your sentance you ducked. A chair flew over your head. You sighed. "And good morning to you too Nakamori-san, Kuroba-san..."
"(Y/n)!!" Aoko exclaimed. She then proceeded to give you one of her hug therapies.
"Oi, don't crush her, she hasn't healed fully yet, Ahoko!"
"Shut up BaKaito!"
And there goes your Tuesday morning...

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