Chapter 11 (Edited)

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Also, this is dedicated to onepiece29 happy belated birthday. (If ya'll want a dedication for your birthday date, comment your birthday below. (Mine is Sept 10th. xD))

Question of the chapter: Who is your favorite character of this book so far? Why?


I stood near the door of my parent's room, too scared to go in. Memories of me trying to get into the room after my parents died flooded my mind, causing me to let out a small whimper. I hadn't tried to get into this room since a couple of days after my parents death because when I did try to go in, a pack member stopped me, stating that a traitor couldn't go in somewhere they didn't belong.

Of course, me being a seven year old girl at the time, I didn't really understand what he meant by me being a "traitor" so I tried again. Only this time, the said male had beaten me until I was black and blue and somehow turned the whole pack against me.

I had no idea what had happened to him, but I wanted to say that he had gotten killed in a rogue attack. However, something in me told me that was not the case. Something in me told me that I would see him again, and he had planned this all.

"You alright, Sam?" Cel asked, touching my arm. She frowned when I flinched back away from her, keeping Felicity close to me. Concern flashed through her eyes before being chased away by anger. "Did you get beaten when you tried to get into your parents room?" she asked, her voice hard.

I took a deep breath and nodded. "The guy isn't here," I said. "I do not know where he is, but..." I shrugged my shoulder. "Come on, I'll be fine. Let's get into the room." I pushed the thought out of my head as I opened the door to the room and stepped in.

Cream walls accented with a strip of gold around the middle of the room was what met me when I opened the door. On the far back wall sat a bed that had a white comforter and white pillows. To the left of the bed, there was a door that lead to the closet.

"Well, it's bigger than the room you had," Cel said, breaking me from looking around the room. "And you have a flat screen tv." She squealed and jumped up and down, acting more like a child than a Warrior. "We can watch 'The Vampire Diaries' on it."

I bit back a scoff and moved to the bed. "Ya, that is not going to happen" I said. "I couldn't get into it."

Cel gasped and looked at me with shock. "But, Damon is bae."

I shook my head, pitying her. "To you," I replied in a 'duh' tone. "I could care less about them." I kissed my "sister's" forehead, earning a toothy grin from her. "Aunty Cel is crazy, isn't she?" I cooed, causing Cel to growl at me.

"There is a pillow on the couch, I will throw it at you," she warned, teasingly, causing me to growl. She huffed and rolled her eyes before starting towards one of the doors. "Don't get your panties in a twist. You know I won't throw it, since you have a baby in your hands. I would if you- Holy crap that is one fancy bathroom."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes before going to the bed and placing Felicity on there before sitting down. A smile graced my lips when she clambered onto my lap, not wanting to be away from me. "Good job, Dory," I teased. "That is one way to forget what you were talking about."

"Shut up," Cel said from inside the bathroom. "It has a jacuzzi size tub in here, and I think that the closet is in the bathroom. I'm going to open it and-" She didn't finish that sentence but screamed before running back into my room. Terror and shock was in her eyes, telling me that she didn't like what she had seen.

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