T W E N T Y - S I X | Faded

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Song: Kill em with kindness

Artist (s): Selena Gomez

The bad news is that time flies but the good news is that you're the pilot. You're the master of your own destiny.

{A/N explaining what had happened at the end}


My head was pounding before I even opened my eyes. When I did, shapes and colours blurred around me. I squinted and slowly things became clearer. I was in a strange room chained against the wall. From a distance I could hear faint whispers. A sharp pain exploded in my head making me wince. I lifted my hand only to shriek in pain when it burned. The silver was doing more damage then it usually should have since I'm so weak. First the wall had taken my energy and then being knocked out.

I never used to worry about getting kidnapped because I thought they'd bring me back in less than an hour. Being me they'll get tired. I was so wrong. Feeling breathless, I laid on the ground resting my forehead on the cool tiles. I didn't know where I was or how long I'd been there. All I remember was walking to my room and then nothing. Did Asher know where I am? Before I could getting carried away in my thoughts, the door flew open.

"Oh, doesn't she look beautiful?" a guy laughed. I looked like a mess, my clothes were torn and my hair was knotted.

"I know another way she'll look even better"another added with a smirk. Before the first guy could response a new voice joined the conversation.

"Not yet. I have a few questions for her first." I could easily recognise this voice.

"Alpha" the two guys bowed before leaving the room. 

"Chance?" I sat there dumbfounded. How could he? 

{A/N: HAHAHA. Got em. You should have seen your face!. Haha. Ignore the Chance bit}

"Why am I not surprised" I muttered looking at Asher's 'uncle' Mark.

"I'm sorry, what?" he cupped his ear leaning forward.

"I said fuck you" I gritted.

"Sweetie, you shouldn't say stuff like that to your kidnapper" he looked at me with a mocking concerned expression.

"Or what?" I was pushing way past my limits but he deserved it.

"Or he could do this." he slapped. "Or this" he punched me. "Or if he's really angry, this" he kicked me.

"Now, first question, what's the easiest way to get into BloodMoon Pack?"

"Like hell, I'll tell you." I coughed. He punched me. If this continued I would be unconscious again in no time. 

"Wrong answer, Lets try again" he clapped his hands.

"I need to get into BloodMoon to bring Asher here. So he can see everything I do to you." he laughed. "I want him to see you in pain when I steal your powers. All of them. I want to see him suffer while you die" he clutched my chin, squeezing my bruised chin.

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