Something more

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Chapter 9

I woke up to find myself alone and in my bed. I then remembered last night and smiled to myself. Brax surprised me last night. I thought he was out for one thing and one thing only. He didn't try anything and in one way I'm a little disappointed. I wanted him to kiss me, my body burned for more of him. But I will settle for him just been around. The more time I spend with him he is changing my views on demons completely, they have shown more compassion to me than the guardians have. At least Brax called me by my real name, not the name that rises disguist in every guardian and supernatural. I can feel my walls wanting to crumble just for him and that scares the hell out of me.


                                                  My first thoughts are when will I see him again. I have no way of getting in contact with him. Since I met him I have seen him twice already in only two days so I doubt it will be too long before I see him again. I got up and picked my clothes for work. I have money in the bank piling up from my so called parents, but I haven't touched it since I got myself the apartment. I hold eight zumba classes a week, which are all packed each day. I make a good living doing this. I didn't have high school or college degrees to fall back on, my upbringing was completely different. I was born knowing what my role in life will be or should have been. We had classes but their were only on the things deemed necessary to our roles and the rest was training in different fighting techniques and weapons. I had nothing to be proud of, I saw a sign in the gym not long after I joined it for training to be a zumba instructor, it is everything I love but into one job, dancing and music, I'm keeping myself fit by doing it aswell. Three times a week I hold self defence classes, that is what my skills amount to outside my role, sad really if you think about it, but the money is good.

                          I got my workout shorts, my tank top and sports bra ready along with my hightops before I got into the shower. I got a quick one and got dressed. I did my hair into a high pony and I put on some clear lip gloss. I threw a couple of towels into my bag and a few bottles of water. I grabbed my iPod with the new playlists for class. I walked to the door and grabbed my keys, locking my apartment up as I left. I pressed the button on the elevator and waited. But when the door opened I came face to face with Alexis. She looked me up and down again with disguist, I have reached my limit with this bitch.. I stepped into the elevator and waited for the door to close. Before she could open her mouth to make any stupid comments, I pressed the floor I wanted before I pinned her to the wall by the neck, lifting her a couple of inches off the ground.

"Dont even fucking bother to open your mouth to say something that will only embarrase you, I warned you not to come here again, I told you I didn't want to deal with you or your fucking pathetic beloved, I am going to make myself crystal clear this time, you and your mate stay the fuck away from me, if your commander wants me then he better come himself and be ready to beg because right now all of you could die and I would give two fucks, what you need to get clear is that you need me because I certainly dont need you's" I said as I let her go, dropping her to the floor. She held onto her neck coughing, the door opened at the underground parking, I glared at her and picked my bag up and walked from the elevator.

"You should just take the offer, he isn't going to lower himself to come and ask you" she said with a hoarse voice.

I turned around and tried to hold in my laugh as she coward away from me,

"Then it looks like all of yous are one your own because I won't be helping, I will sit back and laugh while I watch all of you lose" I said as I turned back and walked towards my car.

"You will regret this" she said. I looked back at her over my shoulder and smirked while I gave her the finger. What makes them think I am even interested in protecting them. I shook my head at their ignorance, as each day passes,  they make it worse on themselves, why would anyone say yes when you are looked at like you have massacared families. But I can't lie and say I didn't enjoy scaring that stuck up bitch because I loved every second of it.

I got into my car and blasted Jay z and kayne west song Paris through my speakers. After twenty minutes of a drive I pulled into the gym I work at and walked towards my dance studio. I dropped my bag in the corner, I pulled out a towel and a bottle of water. I stuck my iPod into the docking station as everyone began to arrive. I said hi to all my regulars and began class. After three hours and a short break, I am finished. I loves the girls in the class, they try everything and if they can't do it they put their own spin on it, all of them are human but they come to the class aswell to have a laugh.

                                                        I packed up my towels, bottles and my iPod into my bag as I made my way out of the gym saying goodbye to everyone as I left. I am always on a high after my classes. I threw my bag into the back seat of my car as I got into the drivers seat. I pulled out and headed for home. I turned off my music as I turned off my car. I got out, grabbed my bag and locked my car. I made my way up to my apartment and opened the door. I headed straight for my room, grabbing a baby blue jersey and White shorts, I left them on my bed as I went into the bathroom and got into the shower. After half an hour I got out  drying myself off and my hair. I walked out into the room to find Brax looking comfy on my bed. He looked like he is in a world of his own, I coughed to gain his attention and let him no I'm out of the shower.

"Hey beautiful" he said before he sat up to look at me, when he did his jaw just about dropped to the floor as he took every inch of my body which was only covered with a towel.

He moved once again so quickly that I barely saw his movements. He is standing in front, his body inches from mine, I can see he is holding back what he really wants to do.

"You are killing me right now, Ariel " he said, and truthfully he is killing me right now been this close, his lips inches from mine. I can feel a pull towards him that is getting harder to ignore. I closed the distance between us and placed my lips on his. I could tell he is shocked at my move, but soon he started to kiss me back. He was gentle but right now I need him to be the bad boy. I deepened our lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck and gently tug his hair. He released a deep moan into my mouth that sent heat and electricity coursing through my body to my core. His hands moved up the curves of my body and back down to my ass. He picks me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I released a moan when his hard bulge brushed off my exposed core. He ran his hands up my leg but he never went further than that. He

pulled away from my lips and placed his forehead to mine,

"I need to stop or I will end up taking you right now and I dont want you to regret it later, I want it to mean something more than just lust" he said breathlessly.

I looked in his eyes and saw he is sincere, he wants this, us, to mean something to me before we take the next step. I can feel my wall wanting to crumble for him, but fear of having my heart broke is stopping me from letting him in.

I kissed his lips gently and smiled,

"I won't regret this, but I do want my first time to mean something more than lust, I haven't let anyone into my heart in years, except Liam and Jake, I dont want to let someone in and open myself up to be been shattered again, but I do feel more towards you than him, there is something about you and I can't say I won't ever let you in, I just need to trust you completely first" I said.

"I understand that Ariel, you have had to close yourself off for so long, but Im asking for a chance, when Im with you, I can feel my humanity again, that the darknes isn't winning, I can't stand been away from you for long, but I'm going to try give you a chance to think about us, if there is a chance for us, so I will stay away til you want me" he said.

My heart clenched at the thought of not seeing him, I dont even have a way of contacting him.

"But I dont know how to contact you" I said panicking a little. He smiled a heartbreaking smile at seeing it bothers me.

"Just call my name, I won't be far away beautiful, just think about what you want" he said, placing me back on the ground as he put his forehead to mine.

"Okay and you will come when I call" I asked.

"Of course, it will kill me to stay away but I will try" he said before he shimmered out. I feel cold now at the loss of his touch. But can I open my heart to him and trust him not to hurt me, time will only tell.

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