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Dedicated to k_dramalover and thecurly0neismine for the amazing support and really making-the-day comments. Thank you guys! Okay, on with the chapter!
Short chapter, I know, but it is important, so, yeah!


"So, what's wrong?" June asks as she sits in front of me as I eat my cereal. When I went home, I was really scared of Alexa's reaction; like, why did she leave so abruptly? Did I do something wrong? Everything was perfect but then that happened. Why did she do that? I hope to find. I then slept after thinking too much and now here I am at 10 AM, still eating my cereal.

"Wrong with what?" I ask, looking at her weirdly. She face palms as she looks at me.

"Didn't I tell you to ask her about what's wrong?" She asks. I close my eyes as I groan.

"I forgot." I say. June looks at me with a pocker face before she slaps my arm. "Hey!" I whine.

"You're an idiot! How can you forget something like this?! She would have probably told you or got nervous so we could see that something was wrong. God, really?" She says.

"Well I know that she doesn't have anorexia, okay? She ate a Risotto with me yesterday and we ate cheesecakes and all, so that's okay. But, there's still something I am not seeing. And I have a feeling it's big." I say as I take the last bit of my cereal. June sighs again as she gets up and goes to the fridge, taking out the OJ. She grabs two cups and pours us both juice. She then passes mine to me before sitting again.

"So, what will you do today?" She asks as I take a sip. I shrug and look to my lap, sighing.

"Come on, let's go." June says as she takes both of our now, surprisingly, empty glasses; when did I drink that?

"Where are we going?" I ask June as she pulls me into the living room.

"We are playing Call Of Duty right now." She says. "That'll ease up your thinking about all of the stuff I know they're going in your head right now." She says as she slides in the CD and starts the game. I pull her in a quick hug as she laughs.

"I love you really." I say as I laugh. We both sit and start the game. The moment I was aboit to shoot her out of the way, my phone rang. I groan as I pick it up without looking at the ID.

"Hello?" I say as I shoot at some people.

"Black! Forgot us already?" I hear Jackson, my boss says through the phone. I pause from the shock as my eyes widen. June looks at me worriedly as I hold the phone to my ear.

"N-no, I haven't forgotten you at all, I was just busy. Um, how is the gym?" I say. Jackson scoffs and laughs.

"Well, you could've know but you aren't here, right?" He says. I gulp loghtly as I hum in response, trying to act strong.

"So, you still resigning?" He asks. I nod and them remember he can't see me.

"Yes." I say. He 'tsk'ed in disapproval.

"Really, Black? Well, where are my 5,000$, huh? You missed a few fights and I had to pay for your sorry ass, so?" He says.

"I'm, I'm trying to get it for you. I still have 2 weeks left." I say.

"Well, I need them NOW!" He shouts. I cringe at his tone.

"I-I'll try to get it for you." I stutter.

"You better, or I am getting the boys after you." He says before he hangs up. I close my eyes tightly as I pull the phone away from my ear.

"What's wrong?" June asks worriedly.

"Jackson, he needs the money now." I say as I put my hands in my head. June sighs and says my back. I get up and sigh again.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I say. June nods and sits back, resting her back. I go to the bathroom but I didn't miss that June took my phone. Probably gonna flip through the pictures, I don't mind. After I finish my business I get out, swing June talking to someone through the phone.

"Okay, thanks Zach, okay, bye." She says before hanging up.

"Who were you talking to?" I say. She jumps and looks at me.

"Uh, Zach." She says, scratching the back of her neck.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well, h-he called and I answered and told him you were busy, because you're still thinking and all, yeah?" She says. I look at her suspiciously. I shrug and walk back to the couch, dropping myself on it with a sigh. She sighs and sits down next to me.

"Do you think I am an idiot? Dragging Alexa in this mess?" I say. June looks at me quickly and raises her eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I mean dragging Alexa in the whole fighting mess, they don't know about her but when they do, they're gonna use her as my weakness. I am so afraid that would happen. I don't know what to do." I say, running a hand through my hair frustratedly.

"Noah, Noah, calm down, you're not doing anything wrong, you'll be able to take the money from Alexa soon enough, I can give you some of my savings and then you can repay me afterwards, okay? But don't do this to yourself." She says. I sigh and nod as she gets up. "I'm gonna go and do some laundry, okay?" She says before strutting away. I look down at my phone and open the dialler, seeing that June was the one who called Zach. Why would she lie to me and say he was the one who called? I shake it off and lock my phone, getting up to go to my room.

"NOAH!" I hear June scream. My heart falls as I rush out of the bedroom and down the stairs towards the laundry room.

"June?" I say. She was standing there laughing till she was doubled over.

"I am sorry, I am sorry, but you should've seen your face, it was hilarious." She says as she laughs some more.

"Hardy har har." I say as I look at her, annoyed. God, does she have to act like a 14 year old right now?

"What the hell do you want?" I ask, folding my hands in front of my chest.
"Take your clothes upstairs, please." She says, handing me a folded t shirt and a sock. I look at her ridiculously.

"And you almost gave me a heart attack for those?" I say. She laughs as I turn away and head back upstairs. I get upstairs and lie down on my bed with yet another sigh. My head was about to explode and a nap would do me good. I lie down and rest my head on my pillow as I turn my phone into 'silent' mode. I sigh as I run my hand in my hair one last time.

I hope the money just comes like that, I can't tell mom or dad, they'll kill me.

I really hope everything will be okay.

I really wish Alexa would turn out okay.

Alexa. (#1)Where stories live. Discover now