Snowy wonderland (Chapter 27)

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Enjoy ;)


I looked out the window and sighed at the sight of white fluff collecting on the ground. How was it snowing in October? The snow made the world seem to sparkle and look beautiful. And I hated it.

Snow was cold, wet, and turned black the moment you drove by. Snow was like a lie. A lie was beautiful when no one knew you were lying. Only when someone discovered the truth did a lie turn black. Black and ugly. Kind of like what happened yesterday.


Ryan and I exited the movie theater, and he chucked the jumbo popcorn bin into the garbage.

"That wasn't a bad movie," he commented thoughtfully.

We had just seen the fourth Mission Impossible. "I liked it too. I'm glad we came," I smiled and kissed his cheek. Movie nights were officially our thing.

He drew me into his side and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me toward him. "Me too. The only bad thing was someone kept eating the popcorn like the hungry pig they are. I couldn't hear over the sound of teeth smacking." My jaw dropped, and I smacked his arm lightly. He chuckled, "Kidding, kidding."

We walked towards the parking lot and he unlocked the car and held my door open for me. "Such a gentleman," I complimented.

He smirked in response and winked. "You know it."

As he reversed the car, he asked me if I wanted ice cream. Without actually waiting for a response, he immediately started driving towards Margaret's Sweets and More. On the way there, I switched the radio on and immediately changed the station from worthless rapping to actual music.

"How can you even listen to that crap?" Ryan asked.

I raised my eyebrows. "How can you listen to rap? It's not even real singing. It's just someone talking in rhythm."

"Yeah, but no one's shrieking and being autotuned as much as all the other songs you listen to."

I rolled my eyes at him. "At least the music I listen to makes sense. Half the time rap is just weird and explicit rhyming."

Ryan smirked. "We're here."

I looked at the Margaret's Sweets and More stand, grinning widely. I loved our movies and ice cream tradition. I never got tired of ice cream. After getting out of the car, we walked toward the building, standing in line outside.

"Hi! How may I help you?" an overly peppy middle aged woman asked.

"Um, I'll have chocolate fudge brownie ice cream with no toppings. Size small," I answered. I always ordered the same ice cream no matter where we went. I couldn't help it--chocolate fudge brownie just could not be beat.

Ryan clicked his tongue. "You eat way too much chocolate. I'll have the coffee flavored ice cream, no toppings, and a size small."

"Will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you." He replied.

"Wow, you actually thanked someone. I didn't even realize you had manners," I joked.

He rolled his eyes at me and took our ice cream. We sat outside, even though it was freezing and ate. He sat down on a bench and made room for me to sit on his lap.

"Do you want my jacket?"

I grinned at him. "Are you trying to be romantic?"

"Is it working?" He questioned. I smirked up at him and forced him to tip his head down so I could kiss him.

The Hot Girl Called MommyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon